Why Would Jesus Choose Judas Iscariot? Part 3- John 6:70-71


00:35 Amen. Glory to God. Welcome to the program.

00:39 Welcome to the cafe. Great to have you here today. So glad that you’re a part of the cafe wherever you’re listening from.

00:44 Amen. You know we are now streaming on Facebook not every day but every once in a while I guess as much as I can figure it out. I don’t know whether to look at my microphone or look at the phone but if you have Facebook join us at facebook.com forward slash KJV cafe.

01:03 I’m working on the website so right now Facebook’s best place to reach us. Join us there and try to expand this ministry as best we can. 

01:11 So today we’re in the third part of a multi-part series on why Jesus chose Judas as the disciple and we see that God is foreknowing.

01:21 He’s sovereign and have you ever thought about this? You know we always say here in the program I’m sure if you go to local church or local church pastor often would say if they’re in the book amen they’ll say God knows all, God sees all, God is everywhere. 

01:34 Yet have you ever thought about this? You know why did the Lord choose Judas to be part of his inner circle? You know I guess I hadn’t thought of it because I guess I didn’t think about the Lord choosing Judas.

01:45  I thought of the Lord choosing Peter or James or John but not Judas.

01:49 I didn’t think about it that much but then in John chapter 6 verse 70 through 71 it reads Jesus answered them have not I chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil he spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon 

02:05 for it was that should betray him being one of the twelve. And so as I read that in my Bible study last week I said to myself that’s really interesting Jesus here is saying I chose you 12 okay 

02:18 and one of you is a devil and I’m like well why would Jesus choose a devil and then when I started to research it I got more kind of perplexed because the devil is in the inner circle the devil is trusted 

02:33 I mean think about it that devil is being taught everything the disciples are being taught the devil was in charge of the treasury amen I’m like man this is some deep stuff

02:41  and we learned that Judas Iscariot is pretty fleshed out as a individual in the Bible we learn a fair bit about him he was one of the twelve disciples he was in charge of the treasury which he’d steal from 

02:52 he was a thief as the Bible tells us we understand by the nature of the earthly ministry of Jesus that he followed Jesus for three years there were other important men named Judas in the Bible 

03:03 so for example Jesus half-brother and another disciple so therefore he was referred to as Judas Iscariot son of Simon that helps us to ensure we know who’s who he was paid 30 silver coins or 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus 

from Matthew 26:13-15 we realized that he was not saved as indicated in John 13:10- 11 we realized that Satan took over there he was empowered by Satan to betray Jesus that’s John 13:27

03:34 we know that he betrayed Jesus with a kiss which is awful if you think about it and he did not repent he was remorseful he gave the silver back went hung himself

03:43  because he couldn’t deal I believe his conscience couldn’t deal with it but he didn’t repent by the way guys I just want to let you know the wages of sin is death when you live for the devil 

03:53 when the devil creeps in and gives you a plan that you think is good I’ll watch out amen because what will he do with you he’ll dispose of you when you’re done he just Judas 

04:01 okay you’re done here you are all right you’re gonna hang yourself on a tree and spend eternity in hell you know and think about the pain think about this Judas Iscariot witnesses Jesus earthly ministry sees the miracles sees God in the flesh 

04:17 and so we understand that Judas all the way up till that Last Supper there was just a individual I mean he’s a human being right eventually he becomes indwelled with Satan 

04:27 but he’s just an individual and he witnessed God in the flesh he was part of his inner circle he was trusted by the Lord the Bible says and so in hell for an eternity he will chew on these ideas these things

04:39  they saw this understanding the way that he could have been saved the way that he could have been used by God so now he’s a he is a reproach a laughingstock 

04:50 an absolute awful character individual in the Bible and yet he could have had it could have been the book of Judas you have the book of Peter the book of John the book of Matthew the book of Luke 

05:02 think about that I bet you probably never thought about I haven’t really thought much about that till now and it’s so sad but that’s what the devil will do to you the Bible tells us the wages of sin is death 

05:15 and you go ahead and sit a young person down and tell them that a lot of times they just don’t want to listen but they’ll want to listen when it’s too late like the rich man in hell you want a one drop of water 

05:25 and and he didn’t want anyone to suffer what he was suffering but it was too late it was too late and he asked Abraham to go ahead and help his brothers know 

and you know the response was was if they don’t believe the prophets they’re not going to believe anyone else amen 

05:46 and so if we don’t if those that don’t believe God now in his word I believe the Lord’s response would be you’re not going to believe in the future 

05:54 and that is sad so we need to turn to God while we can so why why all of this amen God’s plan for salvation is made through using sinful man 

06:05 but man is still held accountable right so father God needed one to betray the Son to enact the perfect sacrifice the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ this then creates the free gift of salvation as explained in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

06:21  so Jesus chose Judas really being God the father I imagine Jesus Jesus doing the will of the Father that’s what Jesus always said amen so we see here that he chose Judas

06:35  because it enacted the plan of salvation and it did it in a very poetic way right I mean think about it you know Jesus Christ he was meant to be the Lamb of God right the perfect sinless spotless lamb he died on the cross for our sins as a sacrifice

06:55  not because he was sinful but because he was sinless John 1:29 another really fascinating verse the next day John this is John the Baptist seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world 

07:10 you know you always see that and say oh John realizes it’s Jesus or whatever but you know what is deeper than that John the Baptist calls Jesus the Lamb of God so John the Baptist is essentially saying Jesus you’re the one that’s going to die for the world sins

07:21  you’re the sacrifice amen and that sacrifice had to be kicked off somehow now you could say well Jesus could have put himself on the cross he didn’t want to go amen

07:32  who would want to go he’s in the garden Yosemite yeah tears of blood you know he’s sweating he’s agreed is going through emotions that we can’t even think about because he’s going to have to drink that bitter cup of sin for all mankind

07:48  the death physically was beyond understanding the Bible tells us he wouldn’t you couldn’t even recognize him I understand it to be the worst death ever anyone ever died

07:58  and that’s how it had to be to take on the sin of all mankind so that when we believe on him we are saved from our sins and we are born again to new life the only way that we could be saved 

08:09 the only way that we could have Jesus Christ’s righteousness appropriated to us attributed to us being the Bible word would be propitiation for our sins the only way that that could happen is if Christ was sinless 

08:24 and took upon all our sins that’s why he says on the cross Lord Lord why have you forsaken me because the Lord himself God the Father to turn the back on turn his back on Christ as he died with that sin debt on him 

08:37 but then what happens what happens well the glorious resurrection amen he is risen from the grave and now he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings he is due all glory honor and praise

08:47  every praise that we give him is is should be rooted in the idea of what he did for us on the cross amen 

08:54 our peace comes from what he did from us on the cross what he did for us on the cross we are the Bible tells us we are now reconciled to God the natural man 

09:07 the Bible tells us is enmity to God that’s a Bible word that means warfare the natural man is at war with God now Christ dies on the cross and we are saved amen 

09:13 we are saved when we believe on his death burial and resurrection because we are now reconciled to God because God sees us as believers of Christ as Christ 

09:24 we we now take on his righteousness because he took on our reproach our sin amen and a holy God requires it and so Judas brought this about I’m not giving Judas credit for what Jesus did on the cross

09:36  but somebody had to bring it about Matt and Jude and by the way Judas Iscariot is not celebrated in the Bible okay Matthew 26:24 the son of man goeth as it as it is written of him 

09:49 but woe unto that man by whom the son of man is betrayed exclamation point it had been good for that man if he had not been born see so God uses Judas to bring about the betrayal which brings about the passion which brings about salvation but at the same time God punishes that man for what he did amen 

10:06 he is not off the hook by any means and I cannot imagine what a righteous God will do to someone that sinned that sin amen that the sin of unbelief most importantly and the betrayal 

10:18 and now we need to learn from this to repent ourselves Acts 3:17 -19 and now brethren I want that through ignorance he did it as did your rulers but those things which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets that Christ should suffer he hath so fulfilled repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord 

10:39 so we are to get right with God we are to realize that God is not mocked we are to realize that God knows who we really are and that God has a plan of salvation that he’s given us here a verse I mentioned earlier 

10:52 let’s see where did it go I’m sorry I lost my place yes here we go making a show of man openly the justice that came from God through what man thought would kill God himself all the more created a plan for all to be saved 

11:09 and that would come to a saving knowledge of him so we go through this progression man thinks he will kill God God responds with everlasting life to all that believe on him man is made to look all the more depraved 

11:22 and foolish in dire need of salvation Colossians 2:13 -15 and you being dead in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together and made alive with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances

11:36  that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross having spoiled principalities and powers that’s the devil and he made a show of them openly triumph for triumphing over them in it

11:50  and so we see this beautiful poetry here from Colossians 2:13-15 the attempted murder of God by his creation led to the chance for everlasting life for his creation you know and and I wish I had time and I don’t think I do 

12:05 but in Luke 9:51-56 that Jesus wasn’t allowed pass to through Samaria to go to Jerusalem because he they knew he was going to go to Jerusalem 

12:13 and the Samaritans the Jews didn’t have anything to do with each other the disciples said can we rain down thunder lightning on him fire on him kill them all and Jesus said you know verse 55 but he turned as Jesus and rebuked them and said you know not what manner of spirit year of verse 56 for the Son of Man has not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them 

12:32 and so we look at at God and think you know that we’re doomed and we’re not he came to Jesus Christ came to save us and and 

12:43 and those that wanted to kill God thought that they were going to kill God and that that was going to be the it the end of it and they were gonna they were gonna live in their sinful ways but God in his mercy said you think you killed me but you’ve made me alive

12:56  and now I’ve given a plan of salvation for all that believe and that’s what broke the devil’s back that’s how the devil’s back was broken at Calvary that’s how salvation entered the world that’s how Christ became such an important part of the believers life

13:11  it’s central we are Christians to be Christ like to be Christ like you have to be saved to be saved you have to understand your need and understand what happened on the cross there so let’s recap it here

13:22  Jesus chose Judas to bring about the plan of salvation which was needed for mankind and it shows us in deep rich poetic ways that man himself no matter how he looks on the outside needs the Lord dearly

13:41  and God knows how they are on the inside God knows the heart amen and knows our need and our need is for him for Jesus Christ and so the Lord allowed it for that reason 

13:50 and Judas did not go unpunished but we should learn from that and we should repent and get right with God and be saved first and foremost and then get right with him repent each day of our sins to grow closer to him to have a close walk with him 

14:01 and thank him and praise him for what he did on Calvary because we are not worthy amen

14:03  I thank you so much for listening to this series on why Jesus chose Judas tune in next time as we get to more important truths in the Bible 

14:14 thank you so much again take care God bless and amen
