What the Bible Has to Say About Disobedience- Proverbs 1:23-33 Part 2


Thank you for joining me today. Good to be here. So, glad that you are here with me at the cafe today. And today we’re picking up where we left off last time. On our 15-minute KJV short episode. Now, this is part two of a two-part message on Disobedience, what the Bible has to say about disobedience, and before you change the channel or turn it off because I know a lot of people don’t want to hear about that. They want to be disobedient. If you will, this is actually as a beautiful message to it. This this message is beautiful because It reflects God’s love His long-suffering nature and the Cure to disobedience or Christian rebellion or lost person or rebellion it. Discusses the cure the remedy. Amen. So, hang in there it’s a good message with the Bible has to say about Disobedience. Now if you listen last time, you’ll remember we went over Proverbs 1:23-33 and hopefully you heard that if you didn’t It is a wonderful piece of scripture that deals with, um, how God I believe would respond as the, the Bible shows us to disobedience and the idea that uh, you know, God had uh, given His counsel and they wouldn’t take it. People wouldn’t take it, He would have reproof, you know, you try to reprove people and they would not take it, they despised it. So not only would they, reject Gods or proved for chasing but they despised His reproof and chastening. And uh, they end up eating the fruit of their own devices. They end up even leaving the simple stray and they’ll have to answer for all those things. Uh, and yet those that hearken or listen unto God will dwell safely and be quiet from even the fear of evil. Not just quiet from evil or safe from evil, but safe, even from the fear of evil. Amen. And that’s a wonderful message that God gives in Proverbs 1 23-33 also outlining how He deals with this obedient. And that’s just a one and many scriptures, you go through scripture, you can clearly see that God calls, uh, people to be obedient, whether it’s Israel His chosen people. Whether it’s the Gentiles that have been saved and that are now part of the body of Christ, or whether it’s the lost person that He that he wishes none. Uh, none pass away without coming to a repentance coming to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, as Saviour and Lord. Whoever it is God’s calling for obedience. And so, where we left off last time was looking at. Why? Why if we understand in our minds, that God wants us to be obedient. Why in our flesh or in our bodies? Do we not act obedient and then of the scripture I gave is James 1:14-15 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin and sin. When it is finished, bringeth forth, death. Well, James 1: 14-15 very familiar verse talks about man being tempted drawn away of his own loss. Okay. So we, uh, we are disobedient from our own lusts, but then, we’re enticed, well, we’re not enticing ourselves, who’s doing the enticing. Oh, that’s the devil seek as the devil. If he can get you to sin, then he, you know, he knows a lot more probably about God’s principles than we do. He knows that if he can get you to sin that the wages of those sins are death and lust conceived equals sin equals death and death. How does it manifest itself, the death of the spiritual, you know, if you are living a sinful life, you cannot have a close fellowship with God. Amen. That famous first draw an eye to me and I draw an eye to you. Cleanse your hands. You, you know of all this sinning, you know, go and repent before God. You must be holy sanctified, Amen. The whole picture. And of the Old Testament on temple and all of the things, the holy of holies and how they had to only a certain priest could go in there once a year, and they had a wash themselves from head to toe and have special garments and everything. It was all a picture of God’s holiness, right? Well, what happened to the veil of that that holy of holies that that covering of it that veil was rent in two or torn in two when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, He paid the sin debt for all mankind and so when we accept Jesus, Saviour that we are then given access to God. He doesn’t see our sinful nature because He sees a forgiven sinner through the blood of Jesus. Amen. But when you are living in sin, unrepentant sin, let’s say you’re not saved. That’s the death of the spiritual. Uh that could be the death of God. Even dealing with the wicked, you know, the Bible speaks of God turning these wicked people overdoor reprobate mind or giving them recompense or letting them reap what they sow. And so they are so evil, and they reap evil. It’s also the death of peace and joy when we’re sinning we can’t have true peace, Godly peace. Because we have sinned in our life, it’s the death of a hope for a future, you know, if we’re not saved, Amen, and we have no hope for future. God wants to give us hope He wants to, give us an expected end, but we have to have that salvation and only comes through Christ and we’re living sinful and in Rebellion against God, and we will not turn to God. That’s death of a hope of a reconciliation as a disobedient, reject Christ’s free gift of salvation. You know, we are given the ministry of reconciliation. Those of us that have been saved, why? Because we are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ through His blood. Amen. And He has left us here for this season, until he calls us home at the Rapture, or if we haven’t a natural death, whatever it may be, or to be absolutely the body is to be present with the Lord for the believer, but He has left us here for this season to recon help reconcile others to, to God, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s how we are able to approach that throne boldly. That’s where how we’re as unholy sinners are able to have fellowship with a holy 100% righteous God. It’s only by what Jesus Christ did on the cross and so we see that disobedience. It gets in the way of it and if satan can just get you to be disobedient all the time then you’ll be far off from God. You have reprobate mind and you’ll be joining him in hell. Unless you’re saved. And then you’ll just be miserable. Because if you’re saved, once saved, always saved, we believe an eternal security, not a workspace salvation, it’s nothing you can do. The Bible actually says that our, our righteousness is like dirty, filthy rags. Amen. So, our righteousness is nothing to God. But if you’re saved in your disobedient to God, you’re missing out on Heavenly rewards. You’re missing out on fellowship with God. You’re missing out on closeness with God. And as many preachers have pointed out in the past, if you’re saved, and you’re consistently disobedient with God to God’s ways, and it doesn’t tear you up and it doesn’t convict you Then you really need to check if you’re really saved. Amen. And I’m not trying to preach anyone out of their salvation but you should be feeling a conviction. I know myself if I sin, if I mess up, I’m immediately repenting before. God, I feel awful. Right. And that’s the way it should be for the believer, but so many today, it’s, they don’t even know, you know, or they don’t even know when they’re sinning, they don’t even know what God considers a sin and that is the problem. And so we have to look at where this disobedience roots from and I’ve already kind of given you a hint to the solution and it’s in Christ. But where does it where does disobedience root from? It roots from that lust to the flesh. A few other scriptures that speak on disobedience, that helps us to understand. What God has to say about it? Uh, Jesus Christ here, Luke 6:46, Luke 6:46. Luke is one of my favourite books in the Bible. And Jesus speaking “why call ye me Lord Lord, and do not the things which I say, and why call ye me Lord Lord, and do not the things which I say“, Oh, what a powerful verse, if you really think on that verse, many people at that time, are calling Jesus Lord. And they were rebellious. disobedient, sinners. They didn’t really believe He was who He says, said He was Amen. And many people today call Jesus, call themselves Christians, you know, theoretically, they, they would have made Jesus, Lord of their life in theory. But then Jesus is responding here, uh, through Luke and, uh, chapter 6:46. Well, why are you calling me, Lord, when you’re not doing anything that I say. I mean, think about this, if I called someone master and I was completely rebellious to their commands or right called someone Lord and I was completely rebellious to their commands. Did I really think that they were Lord? Did I really think they were the master of my life? Absolutely not. That’s a great test to see if a believer really is one. Are they really making Jesus, Lord of their life and this disobedience? It’s timeless, look at Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There was disobedience there. I mean, uh, God had clearly said you can eat anything but this one fruit, right? And what does Eve do she eat that fruit? Well, how did she ended eat that fruit? She was tempted by who, the devil she was enticed, you see? So, she was enticed the devil appealed to sense of pride, and wanting power and curiosity and all these things. And she was disobedient to God. There were disobedient at the times of crisis. I’m showing that rebuke there in Luke 6:46. And there’s all the same rebellion today. Where do we see this today? We see it in the world and we also see it in self-professing Christians, that live like the world. And then, think about love, love, or lack thereof. John 14:15. One of my favourite verses in the Bible. “If you love me, if ye love me, keep my Commandments. If ye love me, keep my Commandments“. I had this printed up on a t-shirt. Amen. Because it’s just such a powerful verse. I mean it really does cut. It really does step on toes. If you love me, keep my Commandments again. Jesus speaking saying, okay you say you love me. Keep go ahead and keep my Commandments. What? I’ve commanded you to do. The implication here is, if you don’t keep or even bothered to know His commandments, you don’t love them. How do you treat those that you love you care? Enough to know about them and you know learn what they like in the dislike and try to meet their needs and so forth and follow what they want you to follow. And again, it goes back to the previous scripture, why are you calling them Lord and not, uh, not doing what He says to do. Why are you saying you love them? And then you deal with Him despite Filing and you and you hate them and your rebellious against them. Uh Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. So that wage of sin is of disobedience is death and you get a payment or a wage for that work or your behavior, right? That’s what your wage. You’re giving a payment for what you’ve done and your payment for that disobedience is death. And we have to understand that without personal salvation by trusting Jesus Christ. It’s not possible to be reconciled by God to with God. It’s not possible. He is the only way. Uh no man come with their Father but by Him. Amen. And so we must look to change in Ephesians 2. Chapter 2, there in the beginning speaks of, you know, in time. And you have he quicken who were dead in trespasses and sins wearing in the time pass, he walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, that’s the devil. The spirit that now worketh and the children of disobedience. Among whom also, we all had our conversation in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh, and the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith He loved us even when we were dead in sins. Hath quickened us from and it’s alive us together with Christ, by Grace your saved. And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So we see a good picture of what’s fuelling disobedience the devil, but we also see a good picture of how Christ has freed us from that life and how we can get over all of these these uh hurdles in our life that we deal with of sin and reproach and how we can just give it to God how we can just live for Him, how we can Be saved and mean it and have that testimony about us that we no longer are the children of disobedience. We don’t no longer are rebellious and we really should embody that we should look at. Hey, are we being enticed? Are we following the lust of our flesh? Or are we turning to Christ for our satisfaction? Are we making him lord of our life? Are we understanding the pain? You know, the debt that this, that Christ paid on the cross. And when we understand that we are free from sin, we are free from, uh, condemnation. Amen. And so, what we need to do is live like that and have a testimony to others and a witness to others to show them that they too can be free in Christ and that’s why it’s so important to be saved and understand the Gospel Uh, 1 Corinthians15 1-4, and also to share the gospel with everyone that we can day in and day out through gospel tracks and through testimonies and through preaching with every way that we can sharing the Gospel of Christ. If we do that, we’ll be fulfilling the great Commission. And more importantly, we’ll be showing Jesus. We love Him because we are obeying His Commandments. Thank you so much for listening. I look forward to talking to you again soon. God bless you and Amen. 
