The Justice of God- Part 5- Matthew 12:18


00:40 Amen. Glory to God. Welcome to the cafe.

00:43 Here we are wrapping up a series in the justice of God, the judgment of God. And I’m so thankful you’ve tuned in. Praise the Lord.

00:51 And as we do these different series that I record here for the radio, I always try to summarize what we’ve spoken about before and give you something that even if you hadn’t heard any of the other messages, you still could take away something from God’s Word that will hopefully move you, revive you, encourage you in the Spirit. Amen. I love the Lord here today.

01:14 So thankful again that you’ve tuned in and taken the time out of your day to listen to KJV Cafe. And today again we’re wrapping up a series on the justice of God. And I don’t know how to say this other than to say the good way, the good justice of God, the wonderful justice of God.

01:30 Because there is a justice or judgment of God that comes that isn’t good, that is very scary for the unbeliever. And I’m talking today, speaking today to the believer or those that were wondering what it would be like to be a believer. Amen.

01:45 And the justice of God is wonderful because frankly we are not under the law. In our text verse Matthew 12:18, behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased, I will putmy spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles

02:04 And Matthew 12 is paraphrasing Isaiah and the prophecy there that Jesus Christ would come and show judgment to the Gentiles.

02:12 And you know people would take that as okay well you know Jesus is gonna judge them they’re not Jewish or you know they’re not the chosen people and so forth. 

02:21 But actually what Jesus Christ did was he relieved the Gentiles of a couple of things. Number one, he relieved them of the situation where they were not the chosen people and unable to be saved.

02:32 And number two, he allowed them to be saved and not have to be under the letter of the law. And I guess number three you could say he spoke, Jesus Christ spoke to Paul didn’t he?

02:44  When Paul was on the road to Damascus, well I guess he was Saul. And then as he’s converted to Paul, who stops him there? Jesus.

02:52 His conversion, Paul’s conversion happened when Jesus Christ himself stopped him there on the road to Damascus. Told him it’s not easy to kick up against the pricks Amen. Told him that he had something for him to do.

03:04 And set Paul on a journey that would turn the world upside down. And that would allow Gentiles to be saved. Because up to that point only the Jewish people could be saved.

03:15 And a Gentile is anyone that’s not Jewish. And they were looked at as second-class. They were looked at as not God’s people.

03:21 And here Jesus Christ himself, the justice of God, showed judgment to the Gentiles by giving Paul the doctrine. Not just on the road to Damascus, but how about those next three years that Paul spent in Arabia? 

03:36 Jesus Christ gave him the doctrine to reach the Gentile people. To be saved simply by believing.

03:42 And this week we’ve gone through God’s power. His choice that puts Christ as the judge of the Gentiles. Philippians 2:7. But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant.

03:53 It was made in the likeness of men. Christ was a servant as he came in his earthly ministry. It pleased the Father.

04:00 2 Peter 3:9. This pleases the Father that all should be saved. 2nd Peter 3.9. The Lord is not slack concerning His promises. Some men count slackness.

04:10 But is long-suffering to us word. Not willing that any should perish. But that all should come to repentance.

04:15 God is a good God. Amen. His judgments are good.

04:19 His ways are good. Let me tell you something that comes as you study the Bible, and I’m sure many people listening today, they study their Bible and they could say Amen to this. 

04:33 The more that you get to know the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham and Isaac, Amen, and the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the more you get to know that God, the more you realize He has a wonderful heart.

04:42 Oh, He’s so tender and loving. He’s so patient and kind. He’s so miraculous in His ways.

04:51 His love is absolutely unbelievable. Hard to describe. And I say unbelievable in the context of you wouldn’t believe anyone could have this kind of love, not even the Spirit of God, because it is so great.

05:07 I remember a young man preaching about Abraham and Isaac and Abraham going to sacrifice Isaac at the call of God. Amen. And God provided a ram.

05:21 And I just remember thinking about how the Lord had provided Jesus and so that we didn’t have to do that. We didn’t have to die in our sins or we didn’t have to sacrifice our own children. You know, they did that back in the day with Molech.

05:32 Amen. The God of fire. There were pagans that would literally sacrifice their own children.

05:40 And we serve a God that did not allow us, did not want us to do that, but that said, I’ll give my only begotten, my beloved Jesus, the one I love so much.

05:50  I’ll take him and I’ll allow Him to be crucified on the cross willingly and obediently and buried three days and risen from the grave so that all could be saved. All that believe on Jesus Christ.

06:02 And the word I use is could be saved. Because we believe here in the atonement of sin, the idea that there was a substitutionary death.

06:12  And if Jesus Christ was perfect and sinless, he must have been the substitute for someone that needed saving, for someone with sin.

06:22 And we believe here at KJV Cafe, as the Bible teaches clearly, that man has sin. The law shows man’s sin and inability to keep the law. So Jesus Christ died for sinful man.

06:35 Now, if sinful man says, I’m not going to accept that, I’m good enough, my works are good, or I believe in this, this and this. If sinful man says that, then God will, in His sovereignty, say, okay, I give you free will. 

06:53 So you say that and then you will reap the rewards of that decision.

06:59 You will reap the consequences of that decision. There won’t be a reward in the way that we think of reward. The Bible word would be recompense.

07:06 You’re repaid for it. You say, okay, I have free will and I don’t accept Christ. Then, okay, God says, all right, then you’ll be in the lake of fire for eternity.

07:13 And you’ll be without me, separated from me for eternity. And you cannot come where I am, Amen. And it’s as simple as that.

07:22 And for those that believe on Christ, for those that accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they will be with God in eternity. The Bible tells us there’s no condemnation to those that believe that love the Lord, Amen.

07:36  The Bible tells us that there’s reward at the bema seat for those that have done things for the Lord in the Holy Spirit, I will say, as in not for your own gain or benefit.

07:45 The Bible tells us that Christ’s eyes are like fire, amen, that he’ll be able to discern exactly what we did, what our intentions were when we did them, Amen. And for the things that we did for God, we’ll receive a reward. And our reward in heaven will be great.

08:01 And that’s beyond just thinking of the great reward of seeing the saints of God and maybe seeing family that was saved. And most importantly, spending time with Jesus Christ, worshiping and praising Him and not having sin enter the picture. How about no night in heaven? I’m ready for that, Amen.

08:19 There’s no darkness in heaven, amen. He is the light and the whole place is lit up, Amen. It’s a beautiful place, I believe it with all my heart, mind, and soul, Amen.

08:27 One day I’ll be there with the saints of God praising God, not for anything that I’ve done, simply by believing. I’m justified by faith. You, if you believe, you’re justified by faith.

08:36 What was happening in Matthew 12 there at the beginning? The Pharisees were justifying themselves by works. They didn’t believe. The Pharisees had unbelief.

08:48 How do I know the Pharisees had unbelief? Because they were plotting to kill Jesus Christ, the living Savior. And he kept telling them, look, I’m God. I’m greater than Abraham.

08:58 I’m greater than the temple. I’ve been from the beginning. I’m your Messiah.

09:04 They don’t want to hear it. They want to kill him. They want to remove him.

09:08 Their power was being threatened. Their expertise was being threatened. There was a stir among the people.

09:14 Their status was threatened. They didn’t like it. And yet Christ was being honest with them and giving them the truth.

09:21 And what we need to do is not be like the Pharisees and say that we can do it our way. And there’s so many examples in the Bible of people trying to do it their way, right? You have Cain and Abel. You have Jacob and Esau.

09:34 You have all these examples of one that will accept God and do it his way and one that won’t, Amen. And it always works out really bad for the one that rejects God or that tries to go their own way. 

09:46 God has a way and obedience is better than sacrifice. And we are to live as God calls us to live.

09:52 And here’s the beauty of this message here today, friend. We should rejoice in his mercy and we should sing his praises. I mean, I’ve spent all week here preaching on God’s judgment

10:02  and His justice for the Gentile people and this wonderful doctrine of by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone and how it’s impossible to please God without faith, which means that if we have faith, we’re pleasing God, Amen. I believe that.

10:16 Not always, but you know, of course, we fall short. But if we have faith, that means that we are justified by that faith. Abraham was justified by faith.

10:25 Read about great men of God in the Bible and you will read about flawed people. You read about David and he is a man after God’s own heart and he was completely flawed. You read about Abraham.

10:37 He was a man after God’s own heart and he had many flaws. Read about what they did. Read about Noah, Amen. 

10:44 Everybody in the Bible has a true human characteristic to them in the sense that they, you know, the ones, the great men of God, I should say not everybody, but the great men of God, they fall short and yet they’re favored by God in the sense they believed and they were obedient.

11:03 And so as we believe, as we just simply have faith, what can we do? We can rejoice in that faith, Amen. We can rejoice in knowing that our works don’t save us and knowing that we don’t have to earn our way into heaven and knowing that we don’t need connections and knowing that just because we haven’t done much in this world means nothing in the next, Amen.

11:17  If we’ve done something for God, this world won’t like it anyways. It’s God’s choice that he saved the Gentiles with a gift of His only begotten on the cross. This contrasts how the Pharisees were living, trying to split hairs over the law.

11:33 This is a new judgment and it’s by faith. The letter of the law is dead because we can never keep it. So let’s rejoice.

11:38 Let’s be happy and joyful to know that God has saved us and all we have to do is believe. That we can’t just, you know, it’s not like, oh, if we just did one more thing, the Lord would just, now He’d be pleased with us, Amen.

11:52  You think of like a father or a parent, mother, there’s like a taskmaster, right? And you could never please them. You know, if I just did this one thing, I’d please them.

12:01 No, our God’s not like that. He’s already pleased if you believe on Jesus Christ. Because guess what? When you believe on Jesus Christ, now Jesus Christ’s righteousness, the Bible tells us, is imputed to you.

12:12 It’s given to you. It’s on your account. So when the Lord sees you, he sees his only begotten, amen? Oh, and how Jesus prayed to the Lord that God would not lose one that were His, Amen. So all that believe on Him have eternal security.

12:26 Once saved, always saved. Christ died one time for all mankind, for all time. And so when we believe on Christ, Amen, we have a salvation that is secure.

12:40 It’s not gonna go away, Amen. We’re not under the law. You know, don’t let somebody put you back under the law. Yes, we should repent if we have sinned.

12:47 If we are living as God would not have us to live, we need to get right with him. I never want to encourage bad behavior or sinful behavior. Sin was an abomination to God, and sin still is an abomination to God.

13:00 And that being said, we are saved for eternity when we believe on Christ, and we are justified by our faith. And that should cause us to rejoice in the God of heaven and earth, to rejoice in Jesus Christ,

13:12 to rejoice in having the Holy Spirit being saved, to rejoice in having God’s Word at our disposal, to rejoice in having the Holy Spirit to help us discern God’s Word, to rejoice in his great love, Amen,

13:21  to rejoice in having a church, being able to freely worship if you’re here in America, to be able to rejoice in the freedoms that we have. And the most important freedom that we have is our freedom in Christ.

13:38 The Bible tells us that where the Spirit is, there is liberty, amen? We have liberty in Jesus Christ, and we should rejoice in that and be so thankful that God saved us. He didn’t have to, Amen.

13:50  Certainly he wouldn’t have wanted to be, Jesus Christ, to be humiliated on the cross, to be beaten and stricken and His beard plucked out and given vinegar to drink and had the most brutal death of all mankind. Christ didn’t want to do that, but He did it.

14:03 He did it for you and for me, and let’s give Him praise, and let’s rejoice at what He did. He’s highly exalted today. He’s on the throne today.

14:11 Oh, praise God today. I thank you for listening. 

14:12 Take care. God bless and amen. 
