The Holy Spirit of Promise Part 1- Ephesians 1:13-14


00:36 Amen. Glory to God. Welcome to the program.

00:39 Good to be here today. Welcome to KJV Cafe where we discover truths that are plainly seen in the Bible but yet many people they need that little nudge to get in the book. Amen.

00:52 They need that little bit of friendly help to look at the book and today we were looking at a fantastic promise that I really have not heard much preaching on hardly at all and it’s in Ephesians and it’s really a big deal for anyone for the believer and the unbeliever. It makes a lot of difference understanding this principle and

01:15 Ephesians 1 :13-14 Paul writes in whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that he believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit capital S of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of His glory 

01:39 and we’re gonna look at these two verses of Scripture here and that’s all we’re gonna do today is dig in and find out what is this Holy Spirit of promise what does it mean that it’s the earnest of our inheritance and it’s really fascinating because God gave us a deposit a down payment from heaven that is a heavenly down payment when we were saved if we’ve been saved and if not then when when you get saved you get this Holy Spirit of promise 

02:10 and it literally here Paul is explaining in just a few sentences incredibly that this is a way to understand you’re going to heaven and this is a way to understand that you have God living within you and this is a way to understand what things are to come and it is the earnest or the down payment the deposit from God for the purchased possession 

02:36 which we understand we were bought by the blood of Christ so we’re gonna dive into all this it’s very fascinating and it’s very powerful because if you start getting a hold of this then you realize you literally have living within you you have that Holy Spirit living within you and your whole life can change 

02:51 and I won’t say that lightly I mean it a hundred percent so who is this spirit of promise John 14:26 Jesus speaking here in John 14:26 but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever Ihave said unto you 

03:16 all right so this is Christ telling the disciples here that the comforter is coming and the comforter is the Holy Ghost now who is the Holy Ghost he is part of the Holy Trinity so the Holy Ghost is a He it’s not an it it is a He is a person and as I understand it the Holy Trinity existed before even the earth was created

03:43  and so you have God in three parts you have God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and that is the Holy Trinity also known as the fullness of God the Godhead the three-in-one God the triune God I can go on and on the reason that we have this formation in our understanding and of course I’m sure there’s reasons beyond what we can comprehend is that all each role is of God and fulfills a given function right 

04:17 so Father God is in the third heaven and again the Bible spells all this stuff out people start acting like they don’t know where God is God tells you where he is amen you have the first heaven that is where the birds fly right you have the second heaven that’s where the stars are and then you have the third heaven it’s all in the Bible and the third heaven is where God resides Father God Amen

04:38  we have Father God in the third heaven you have His Son Jesus Christ at His right hand Amen and at some point in eternity past the the three-in-one God had got together and consulted with each other and and came up with a plan that as man fell into sin because God already knew it would happen that the second part of the Trinity Jesus Christ would come to save mankind

05:03 and then to bring it full circle when we accept Christ as Savior we get this comforter that he mentions in John 14:26 the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name okay so here we have it you have the Father right up in heaven you have the Son coming to die for sinful mankind to save them for all that believe on Him and then you have the Holy Spirit who the Father sends in Jesus name and what does that Holy Spirit do John 14:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit He will teach you all things bring all things to your remembrance 


whatsoever I have said unto you I think that the Holy Spirit doesn’t maybe necessarily get enough credit for the role in our lives and I can say that because he is God and He is part of the Holy Trinity and He helps us discern the scriptures

05:58  I remember as a young child every once in a blue moon mom and grandma would drag us to church would probably a holiday or something and be in the uncomfortable clothes and there’d be a book in their hand or someone’s hand there’d be a book and I’d grab it I’d look at the words I said what is this jumbled words and you know if I looked at a book a comic book I wouldn’t say what is this jumbled words but when I look at the Bible at that time I didn’t understand it and even as I got older anytime I’d glance at it it didn’t make any sense to me 

06:30 but once I got saved those words just seemed to jump off the page there were things that I would read and and have immediate discernment or understanding that there’s no way that I could figure out how I’d come to that conclusion on my own there was a desire to share the word there was comfort in the word there was truth in the word there was so much that was happening

06:55 and I believe John14:26 tells us that he shall teach you all things that comforter is the Holy Spirit once I’ve been saved is helping me discern those things as the Holy Spirit helps you discern those things and brings all things into remembrance how about this when you fall into sin and you feel convicted well what’s working in you the Holy Spirit Amen 

07:15 so if you’re able to live in sin and you don’t feel an inch bit bad about it you got to really check and make sure you’re saved because that Holy Spirit should be convicting you should be having you to feel like you have gone too far off having you to remember the commandments of God Amen 

07:31 and what a reproach sin is to God that he had sent his only begotten his beloved Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and my sins and so we see here the Holy Spirit of promise is incredible I could go on and on a verse I bring up all the time is Romans 8:26 Romans 8:26 likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for aswe ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings whichcannot be uttered

08:04 that plainly is saying Paul here in Book of Romans telling us that the Holy Spirit actually prays to God on our behalf because we don’t know what to pray for and that there are I’ll often you know qualify that saying often we don’t know what to pray for or you know every once in a while we don’t know to pray no look all the time we really don’t know how to articulate what’s going on in our life because there’s spiritual battles that we can’t explain that we’re going through there’s needs that we have that we cannot explain and the Holy Spirit utters those needs to God Amen 

08:38 makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered oh that’s amazing so the Holy Spirit I go on and on about the benefits of the Holy Spirit but the the crux of this message today is the idea that we receive this Holy Spirit as Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us from the Lord as a promise as a earnest now what is earnest I got the idea to look up earnest money from Chase Bank I never thought I’d be quoting Chase Bank in a sermon but hey here we go earnest money or good faith deposit is a sum of money you put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home in most cases earnest money acts as a deposit on the property you’re looking to buy

09:21  you deliver the amount when signing the purchase agreement or the sales contract so earnest money is that deposit right and so we see the earnest of our salvation in what the Lord has given us with the spirit and we also see the idea or concept here of a surety a person who has made himself or herself responsible for another as a sponsor a godparent or a bondsman and let’s look at the role of the bondsman in law one that is bound with and for another one who enters into a bond or recognizance to answer for another’s appearance in court 

09:58 or for his payment of a debt or for the performance of some act and who in case of the principal debtors failure is compellable to pay the debt or damages that’s a bondsman see we have a sin debt that we cannot pay right 

10:16 we inherited that sin debt from Adam and Eve and so in order for us to get right with a holy God who cannot accept sin a debt needs to be paid and the Bible says without the shedding of blood there’s no remission of sin and so God in his perfect plan is perfect for knowledge before time as we know it was formed created a plan and in that plan he has Jesus Christ come as the the obedient servant of the Lord even though he’s God in the flesh he was obedient even unto death and he dies for our sins and Him being perfect Him dying on the cross for our sins He then had borne all of our sins on Him He had carried all of our sins to the cross and He dies on the cross and He’s resurrected

11:04  the third day according to the Scriptures at that point when we accept that free gift of salvation our debts been paid who’s have been paid by Father God the bondsman the literally some of the little literal translations of what it means to be a a Christian a saved Christian is a bond servant a bond slave caught Paul himself calls himself a prisoner of Christ this is the idea that the Lord came as a surety and He came and said look you can’t do it on your own so I’ll do it for you and when you accept me you are forgiven of your sins and your debt has been paid

11:41  literally to the point where we can nail it to the cross it’s no longer ours when we are judged in front of God as all will be when God sees us we aren’t judged of our own works because our righteousness is as filthy rags instead we are judged by what Christ did on the cross if we’ve accepted Christ we are judged to what Christ did on the cross and so what that means is God has a great plan for us He literally bought us with the blood of Christ He purchased us and we get this when we have the free gift of salvation we accept it we get this inheritance which is the Holy Spirit which is a down payment of what will be in heaven 

12:17 I mean think about that God’s perfect plan says everybody over here thinks they’re waiting for heaven they’re not literally you have the Holy Spirit living within you now and so we see it’s wonderful look at 2 Corinthians 1:21- 22 now he which stableth establishes us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is Godwho hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts 

12:45 see we’re sealed into that day of redemption so I want you to remember a present possession is someone you can have right now if you choose to be saved if you haven’t been you can get the Holy Spirit today right now if you choose to be saved and you’ll be saved for an eternity if you believe on Christ and what He’s done and believe on the shedding of the blood for your remission of sin 

13:04 a present possession is someone you already have if you have been saved remember that if you’re wondering if you’re going to heaven look and see if you got the Comforter living within you and if you do then yes you are Amen

13:15  and if the Holy Spirit is part of the is that first part of heaven can you imagine the rest think about that in times to come what life will be like in heaven if the Great Comforter who’s literally changed the lives of all Christians that receive him Amen 

13:31 and you have to receive him to be a true Christian if that is just the beginning then what is heaven gonna be like what will it be like and that’s what I’m gonna talk about in my next message when we are redeemed Amen when we are fully in our new resurrected bodies and we are with Christ for an eternity oh what a wonderful day that will be but we don’t just look forward to that day without proof we look at our lives now with the Holy Spirit living within us 

13:57 and we should praise God for the proof we have today of the goodness to come tomorrow I thank you so much for listening I encourage you to get into this text and study it more it’s Ephesians 1: 13- 14 

14:13 and I’ll talk to you soon take care God bless and Amen
