Showing The Gospel in Scripture Part 1- 1 Corinthians 15:1-4


00:36 Amen. Thank you for joining me today. We are looking at places in the Scripture that show the Gospel.

00:44 Now, the Bible has the Gospel infused throughout all of the Living Word, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and I was inspired to do this. Lord put this on my heart, I believe, for some reasons I may never know, but certainly the reasons I do know is, number one, people may have trouble finding the Gospel in the Bible, especially if they were trying to talk to a friend about it, and so this is gonna give you a quick look at that. And then also, too, I’m gonna go in depth and show you a lot of verses that look to the Gospel or help explain the Gospel or give context to the Gospel.

01:21 And then I’m gonna share some Old Testament verses as well. On top of that, I believe that there’s some people that for some reason don’t know that the Gospel is this explicitly explained in the Scriptures. And by just showing, I’ve got six pages here, I’m just showing the Scriptures, okay? Bear with me, I know you may want to stop watching this message or listening to this message, but just bear with me for a minute.

01:52 As we go through these Scriptures, you’ll be blessed to see how clear the Gospel is explained in the Bible. And finally, there are some that say that Christ didn’t die for our sins, that this substitutionary death is not accurate. And I think after going through these Scriptures, there’ll be no doubt, hopefully, Lord willing, there’ll be no doubt in your mind that it is a hundred percent accurate that Christ died for our sins and paid a sin that we could not pay.

02:18 And so let’s get into it here. In the New Testament, the clearest example, as I’ve been taught and as I’ve researched and as I’ve seen in my years of studying the Bible, is 1 Corinthians 15:1- 4. Paul writes, So 1 Corinthians 15: 1- 4, helps us understand the Gospel as Paul writes, that He was preaching, that He received, that if you’re saved, this is what you need to understand, that if you have to believe you know if you believed in this and it wasn’t in vain then you are saved right and to believe it in vain would be like to not understand it or to not really believe it and say you believe it 

03:24 which many people you have to wonder if that happens to them if they have a salvation experience other than understanding clearly what this is and then it goes into it in verse 3 of 1st Corinthians 15 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures so if you don’t know the gospel this is a summary of what Christ did for us 

03:51 and you’re saying brother Clark can the gospel be described in two verses yeah it’s that simple and that profound that a triple PhD or whoever could spend their entire life trying to figure this out and not discover it and at the same time it’s so simple that our five-year-old our six-year-old or they’re starting to wrap their head around it they’re starting to understand the idea of sin and the idea that a Savior came to die for their sins and that God himself resurrected that Savior on the third day according to the Scriptures 

04:25 and by the way that Savior is God and so it’s both complex and simple and here the clearest example is in 1 Corinthians 15:1 -4 now to get to the meat of the issue if you are not saved and you want to be saved let’s look at Romans Road and how about if you know someone you want to witness to right let’s look at Romans Road because Romans Road gets to kind of the human aspect the meat of the issue why it’s relevant for us why we need to be saved right

04:55  so this just is more of like historically Paul saying here’s the gospel here’s what happened in 1 Corinthians 15 1- 4 whereas Romans Road is saying here’s why you need to be saved right and this is how most people are saved which is no coincidence that God has people plant the seeds and reach out to people but in the end He saves and how does He say if he saves through His word Amen 

05:16 so Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God which simply means that this is a a blanket issue this is something that all encounter nobody is too good to be saved and no one’s too bad they can’t be saved

05:32  this also means that our works don’t mean anything like if we are you know helping a lot of people and giving to charity and we’re really nice and loving and so forth that doesn’t mean anything for all have sinned for all have sinned 

05:46 and if you want to know biblically how that’s recorded in Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis they eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and ever since then sin has entered the world it’s that simple it’s hereditary it’s passed down from generation to generation

06:02 I’ve heard great men of God say we don’t sin because we have a pension for sin we sin because we’re sinners right it’s like in our blood Amen it’s who we are and so we see Romans 3:23 points this out for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God the glory of God is that holiness where he cannot stand sin He’s a holy God and He requires a payment for that sin debt because it is against who He is

 06:28 and what are the wages of sin what’s the cost of sin what is the reward for sin if you want to look at that way you know you go to work and you work for a wage so you’re doing something and you earn something so what do we earn for sin 

06:41 Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord how beautiful is that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord 

06:54 so in Romans 3:23 we learn the problem in Romans 6:23 we learn the consequence of the problem and a solution to the problem that’s amazing

07:04  again God people say oh you can’t understand the Bible or it’s too complicated for you you need to go to seminary and all these things nothing against seminary but it looks pretty clear to me that we have a problem and we have a solution 

07:16 and God gave us that solution in the person of Jesus Christ Romans 5:8 but God commendeth his love toward us in thatwhile we were yet sinners Christ died for us

07:26 so we see in Romans 5:8 that it was God’s love that sent His only begotten Son Jesus to die for us on the cross and he did this while we were yet sinners and so if we understand the principle of sin being it the Bible word would be enmity or warfare with God okay 

07:45 so if we’re literally at warfare with God we’re His enemy we are at war with God because we’re sinners right and God loved us so much in that while we were sinners when we were yet at war with Him He sent His only begotten Son Christ Jesus to die for us

 08:02 now Romans 10:9 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised himfrom the dead thou shalt be saved 

08:13 so we see in Romans 10:9 the resolution for the problem that we saw in Romans 3:23 that all had fallen short of the glory of God all have all have sinned Romans 10:9 tells us that if we confess Jesus and believe in our heart what does that mean to believe in your heart it means you sincerely believe you’re applying it to your heart it’s important it’s not something you’re taking for granted Amen 

08:42 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved so if we believe in our heart what do we believe that God has raised Him from the dead will be saved 

08:58 Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 10:13 explains to us that there’s no qualification beyond calling on the name of the Lord to be saved there’s nothing else we need to do there’s nothing else we have to do

09:12  and guess what Romans 8:1 there is that therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walked not after the flesh but after the Spirit so think about it we once were saved we are no longer under condemnation we are no longer at war with God we’ve been reconciled to God by His great love 

09:35 and what that means is we are no longer under any kind of condemnation from God we are saved what are we saved from we’re saved from a real hell we’re saved from real judgment by God we’re saved from everlasting flames in hell and we are saved to a close relationship with God a reconciliation with God a peace with God we’re saved to His heaven 

10:02 Romans 8:38- 39 gives us the idea of eternal security that we’re always saved once we believe on Christ for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord 

10:26 so what that means is that nothing can take away our salvation once we’re saved once saved always saved now you say well how about that person that got saved and then live their entire life in sin well I have a question if they were saved they had to believe in their heart that Jesus died for them they had to believe and make Him Lord of their life right then they live in sin their whole life what are their fruits the Bible says by their fruits you’ll know them you know what are their actions speaking his actions speak louder than words they may have said one thing maybe they truly didn’t believe 

11:02 but for those that have believed and have fallen in the sin you can confess your sins to God and He’s faithful and just to forgive you those sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness that’s the idea of sanctification so God has built in a mechanism through the person of Christ Jesus to both save us and then as we mess up to sanctify us and that he forgives us we don’t need any man or anyone to mediate for us other than Christ 

11:25 and so Christ is our Savior He’s our sanctifier and the Bible clearly tells us that not one that are truly saved will He lose and so that is Romans Road for time’s sake I have to start to wrap it up and you know I don’t want to if you know me you know I don’t want to I’ve got plenty more to tell you about here in the gospel of Jesus Christ that’s throughout all of the Bible but I want you to think on this for a minute why did God put this in the scriptures because He loves you 

11:54 and He does not want you to meet an eternal doom to be in hell hellfire for eternity because hell is real it’s a real place amen the Bible makes that clear as I understand it in the Bible there’s more about hell than there is about heaven hell is a real place and it’s for those people that don’t accept this gospel 

12:16 the one that is in  1 Corinthians 15:1- 4 the one that so clearly outlined it through Romans Road and so I want you to understand that it’s God’s love for you His love for you that He’s given you this gospel so that you’ll accept Christ as Savior 

12:32 and that you’ll be born again and you’ll be with Him forever in heaven and the Bible says the great things about heaven Amen how wonderful it’ll be but I encourage you to be saved if you haven’t been saved yet accept Christ as Savior and if you’re listening to this and brother Clark I’ve already been saved then why not share this with a friend

12:52  I’ve got the entire message 44 minutes of it where I go through all not all but many of the New Testament scriptures on the gospel and several Old Testament scriptures I even have a video of me doing it having the text there of me highlighting the text and talking about it and it’s  , 

13:16 that’s where you can go and view the entire video and share it so my wife did she shared it with somebody that she wants to hear the gospel and I was so blessed by that and I’m telling you this this can work because it’s not you know it’s not too boisterous it’s not too flamboyant it’s something that they that people could look at and understand and say okay I see the repetition I see God’s work I see God’s plan

13:46 and that’s what we’re after here today so I thank you so much for listening to this again think about how you can apply it to your own life think about how the Bible makes us such a priority and this is God’s priority and then think about sharing it with others and being a blessing to others as you’ve been blessed amen if someone shared the gospel with you it’s time to share it with them amen and we’ve got a great resource there at forward slash KJV cafe

14:12  I thank you so much for listening tune in next time take care God bless and Amen 
