Sea Decree- Proverbs 8:29


All right, good to be here today. Welcome to KJV Cafe. Another wonderful episode we have here for you. Proverbs 8:29 ‘When He gave to the see His decree but the water should not pass His commandment when He appointed the foundations of the earth”. That’s Proverbs 8 29. You know, we can learn a lot about our God from this one verse. We can see a lot about who He is and what He cares about and what He can do for us from this one verse starting with decree, you know, Proverbs 8:29 starts with when He gave to the Sea His decree you know He God is in full control. The scripture doesn’t say. Them. It doesn’t say a meeting took place among angels or that a council was convened. It is Him alone that takes the wild ocean water that is broken ships and men and says to it. You stop where I say, you stop and the water obeys Yeah, we’re trying to make water obey. You you ever go to the ocean and tell the ocean where to stop? I didn’t think so. But God does He’s in full control. Think about that next time, you look at the ocean, God. How’s that water stop? He gave to the sea, His decree. And you want to get really technical. Gosh, you go to different beaches and stuff and you see dunes, and you see how the water comes up at high tide and goes down at low tide and all of the sea life there and all of the cycle of ecology there, that’s all God’s design. He has full control over this world, He has full control over the wild water. He has full control over everything, and the question I have for you, have you given him full control over your life? Because God gave you personal choice. He’s allowed you to hold back control of your life to say No God, I’ve got an area. I don’t want you to be involved in. He’s allowed you to do that. But He expects to be in full control. You know, when you accept Jesus Christ, His savior and Lord, you are expected to make Him Lord of your life. You know, we’re not under the law but Grace. That idea that God freely gave His son has only begotten Son to die on the cross to shed His blood, for the sin of all mankind. And then that free gift. That’s already happened. Right Christ, was crucified, right? Christ was buried. Christ was risen from the dead. And we, as believers, we are told in the scriptures that when we are saved, when we put our trust, our faith, and our trust and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that we are dead with Christ and we are risen new creatures and that we are now alive in Christ. And we are the old man is passed away and all things become new. We are new, and we are supposed to be fully seeding our lives over to God, because God is in full control. And as the scriptures tells us, He gave to see the decree and He is willing to do great things through you. If you’re willing to cease, control to Him but oftentimes Christians try to meet some kind of law, try to get very legalistic. And also often try to wrangle control away from God and we need to be trusting God, and I’ll get to why we don’t want to sin in a little bit, but look, we are not under law, but Grace, and we are saved by grace, by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, And sweet. We need to understand that God is in full control in this world and that if we want to have true joy in peace, we have to give Him full control of our life. We have to say Lord we will never going to add up to keeping the law. We can’t. And so what we’ll do is we’re going to give you our lives as in, we can’t do good works all day every day. We can’t go without sinning, we’re in this flesh. We realize this that we fall short. So, we trust you to heal us to help us. We trust you and repentance. We go to you and ask for forgiveness and we know that you’re willing and able to forgive, we know that we have a mediator in Christ, Jesus, in heaven, we know that you are faithful. So, we give ourselves to you. So, we see decree when He gave to the sea, His decree that’s Proverbs 8:29, the first part. Now we’re going to go to the middle part of Proverbs 8:29, but the waters should not pass His Commandment. The water should not pass this commandment, so we see decree and then we see commandment His control is detailed but waters. Don’t pass His Commandment. He defined the exact place where the water stops God is in the details. Everything about that is not just how the, where God says, the ocean water stops, but how the birds fly in an array in every day, especially here in the fall. I see the birds just flying in an array. Sometimes it looks like an arrow, sometimes, it looks like a t and I’m telling you the same time every day, who gave the birds that instinct to fly in such a way God did, He’s in the details, there’s a purpose to it and I’m not a biologist. I’m not a I even really a bird watcher. I just go for walks and I see Him, flying an array, but I’m sure someone would explain why they do that one time in a scripture or in a preaching. I was going through scripture and I got into why birds eat certain things when they migrate. And there were certain things that allow them that they eat to prepare for a long migration, it’s fascinating. And you say how could that be by accident you know God’s in the details? And the reason why is it testifies to His brilliance to His genius to His creation? Amen. I mean how on Earth does a bird know that it needs a high protein? This or that before? It’s going to fly from Maine the Florida or whatever it is and and and Secular biologists and zoologists and people that study these things can back this up. The birds, eat that and we’ve talked before about how the plants and now the plants will have a seed that will glow in the air and go so far and then fall down and that seed will then fall into the ground and grow into a plant. And that’s how plants are dispersed. It’s incredible. Who thought of that? God, thought of it. He’s in the details. Look at our solar system. I remember as young man in college. I was uh, not yet saved Amen. But I had a conviction for, uh, calling of God. I believe that He was softening my heart preparing me in the first class I had as a young freshman or sophomore. Uh, for the Sciences was astronomy. And as soon as I saw a couple of charts on the board, everything was so precise. They said there’s a God, there must be a God who could do this but God. Amen. And it is more you study astronomy and how all the planets interact, you will 1000 percent. Believe, there is a Divine Creator that is intelligent. And we know that, Amen, we know that we season the details, he knows how many hairs are on your head. The very number of hairs on your head. God knows that He’s in the details. So, what am I getting at? After all of that. What am I getting that? I’m getting at the idea that God’s in the details. Are we seeing that in our life? You know, do you go for a walk and bump into someone and say oh maybe that was God’s providence I bumped into that person. Uh, do you get a phone call and say maybe God had that phone call come my way? Or are you uh, have a new interest that you can’t seem to get out of your mind? And have you ever thought maybe that’s something of the Lord? Now again, if it’s something sinful, it’s not of God, that’s of the devil. But a lot of things that God, uh, does He does in the details and so we should look to the details to see what’s God’s doing in our life and we should praise Him and glorify Him. You know. That’s a great way to testify you say I’m not a preacher. I’m not the Ministry but I have a hankering. I wanted share God’s word. I know I’m supposed to share who God is. You can testify and you can testify. It doesn’t have to be some grand story because grand testimony. You literally can just talk about what God’s done for you and get into the details. You can say, you know, what? I was running late and turns out there was a traffic accident on the road, God, spare me out of it, or you won’t believe i met my wife or my husband it must be God, you know, and you go through all of these things, right? And you can testify to what God has done, you can give Him glory, where Glory is do. Now, the other end of the details, What details are you thinking? It’s okay to keep back from God. Is there anything in your life that you’re saying, you know? God, I don’t want to give this to you, because we see in our verse here, that there was a commandment, the water should not pass His Commandment and, you know, we are to give our whole heart. We’re a love the Lord, with all our heart, mind and soul, that’s a commandment. And if we’ve got something we’re hiding from God, it’s the same as we’ve got something, we’re hiding from our spouse, but it’s worse because He’s God and He knows, amen. And so we have to let God into the details of our life and that can be uncomfortable, and that can take, that can really trample on our pride. Oftentimes pride keeps people away from God or it can trample on the idea that well, you might say, you know, I go to church, I don’t really need to do Bible study and God wants you to study His word. The Bible says to study to show thyself on approved a workman youth not being ashamed, rightly dividing, the word of Truth. We need to study God’s word and study that and we need to give God access to the details of our life and not be ashamed of it. And the more that we understand, he’s all-knowing. The more that we understand these, in the details, the more likely we are to do that and that Proverbs shows that so so perfectly. And finally here we’ve got the third part when He appointed the foundations of the earth when He appointed the foundations of the Earth. So we’ve got decree we’ve got commandment and now we’ve got appointed , you know He’s full authority. I use full authority. Going back to the decree. It decree is defined as an official order issued by a legal Authority, so God has full Authority. God is the lawyer overcame the law and the whole point of the law was to show us. We could never keep it. Therefore the water must obey Him. And when it comes to us, He fulfilled the law that we can never, keep by sending Himself in the person of Jesus Christ as the payment for our sin debt. So He has that Authority. When He appointed the foundations of the Earth, He appointed them, He has authority of it. He can do as he sees fit, he appointed us to live. In this time He gave us life, He continually gives us breath. I heard people talking about, oh, Lord, don’t take my life. Well, don’t take, don’t take my life. Would be the wrong prayer. The prayer would be Lord keep giving me breath, because He’s giving you every breath. Every heartbeat. That’s a God. Amen! That’s His mercy on your life. He’s giving you time here on Earth. And we have to look at why. Firstly, of course, that Jesus Christ died for us. He paid that price for that same day. We couldn’t pay do not save people that urge you to except Jesus Christ has more the Savior as the best decision ever make in your life. I never regret being saved. I only regret I didn’t do it sooner. Amen. Don’t be a dummy. Like me, don’t be stubborn, don’t be stiff neck. Give your life to Christ. Humble yourself before God, come to Him and repentance ask Jesus Christ to save you and it’ll be the best decision you ever make. And you will see God do super natural things in your life that you cannot explain. I remember when I was saved, I was started living for the Lord. Yes, I have some struggles, but I watch God. Wrap up some issues that I had had for years and God worked them out and I can praise Him today that those issues never ever came back. I wonder why because I stay close to God. That’s what in His word. I love the Lord and we serve a God that that can heal a can help a God that can keep us protected from the enemy that God, that is Sovereign. And so the question is, what is sin to a God like this? You know He’s appointed, He’s the authority. So what is sin? Because I’m assuming that a lot of people here. Today, listen to this will say, okay well if God’s in full control, uh, and I’m under Grace, then maybe I could sin, but we are not to sin. Romans 6 15-16 what then? Shall we sin? Because we are not under the law but under grace God, forbid, no, ye not that the whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants, ER, to whom he obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience, unto righteousness. So we need to look to God. I’d say, you know what? We are not going to sin. Yes, we are under Grace, we’re not under the law. And yes, we understand, you have full authority, and Jesus paid the cost for us. And when we accept Christ our Savior, we are then saved. But now, we need to recognize that authority, recognize that sovereignty and have a healthy fear of our God. Have a healthy fear of Him, understand who he is, and what that means? And what does that mean? It means that’s what we can go for help. So not only should we not sin, but we should turn to God for help this God, that sets the ocean at a certain point. The seas at his decree at his authority, is the same God that can solve your problems. The same God that you can go to the same God that will stick closer than a brother. Oh man, I wish I have more time here today. I feel like a broken record with that but I’m telling you go to God for your help. Understand, He’s in the details understanding as full authority and you’ll be blessed for that. You’ll be blessed for getting in His word understanding that He is a God of details in all-powerful God. Amen. Thank you so much for here, and God bless. 
