Psalm 50- Part 2- Psalm 50:7-14

00:37 Amen. Welcome to the cafe today. I hope you’re having a great day, great week.

00:41 It’s great to have you here. Today we are continuing our series on Psalm chapter 50. Psalm: 50 and it’s a four-part series.

00:52 We are in part number two. Psalm:50. Looking at a beautiful Psalm that’s really in two parts as I see it.

01:00 One part is dealing with God’s power and strength and those that are His and dealing with obedience and another part dealing with disobedience and God’s wrath and anger and judgment. And we do have a little bit of the judgment creeping into the beginning but a lot of it here is in the latter part. And so as we go through here we learn about the characteristics of God and people oftentimes will act like God is unknown to them.

01:30 They don’t know who God is. They don’t know anything about God or they’ll say okay Jesus we know is born of a virgin. We know we know about the cross that He that he was resurrected from the dead.

01:44 That He was the son of a carpenter. We know these things about Him. But when you look at the Bible and you study the Bible you study to show yourself to prove approved unto God you oftentimes will see characteristics of God throughout the Bible.

02:00 All of a sudden you’ll see God’s righteousness on display throughout the Bible. You’ll see God’s love on display throughout the Bible. You’ll see not only God’s love but the specificity of His love.

02:14 His love being sacrificial. Amen. You’ll see God’s power throughout the entire Bible from beginning to end.

02:20 Amen. From the power to split the you know to create the earth and then to split the and to flood the earth. That’d be another great example of his power.

02:33 Then the power to split the Red Sea open and get the Israelites out and wash out their enemy Pharaoh and his armies. The power to raise Christ from the dead. The power to preserve the Holy Word.

02:48 Amen. The power to take these 66 books and unite them into one theologically sound love story about God’s love for us. For humankind you’ll say.

02:59 Mankind I guess it’d be. God loves us so much. John 3:16 tells us so much that he sent His only begotten son.

03:06 That He gave his only begotten son. It’s very important that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever shall believeth on Him shall be saved.

03:13 Amen. We’ve got a great God an awesome God. And here we are in Psalm 50 and the second part Psalm 50:7-14.

03:23 I’ll read here. Here O my people and I will speak O Israel and I will testify against thee. I am God even thy God.

03:33 I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings to have continually before me. I will take no bullock out of thy house nor he goats out of thy foals. For every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

03:47 I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry I would not tell thee. For the world is mine and the fullness thereof.

03:57 Will I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the Most High. Alright so here we have a section of Scripture where God exerts exactly what He does and doesn’t need. He doesn’t need anything.

04:13 He’s God. He’s perfect. And so we can go ahead and stop thinking that he needs us for anything.

04:20 He doesn’t. He doesn’t need us. Amen.

04:22 God is self-sufficient and all-powerful. Right? And so we are no longer beholden to this idea that we have to live a certain way and that we’re gonna go ahead and gain God’s favor by giving Him a bunch of sacrifices. Rather we should look at being obedient and living under God’s program because that is a form of worship when we live as God calls us to live.

04:49 You know have you ever thought about that? To worship God sometimes is to be obedient. And what is obedience? It’s the idea of submitting to another’s will. It’s the idea of humbling yourselves.

05:01 Humility. It’s the idea of living for God as he’d have you to live. He says here O my people I will speak O Israel and will testify against thee.

05:11 I am God even thy God. I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings to have been continually before me. I will take no bullock out of my house nor he goats out of their folds.

05:23 For every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof.

05:34 Look Psalm 50:12 kind of sums it up. If I were hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof. God doesn’t need us to feed him.

05:45 Amen. God doesn’t need us to provide for him. God needs us to be obedient.

05:51 Doesn’t need us. He desires for us to be obedient and to worship him through partly our obedience. Just our living for him.

06:01 I’m trying to think of a way to describe this and I think there’s I’ll step back for a minute and give you a little story. I went to the mountains recently for a couple days. My wife will call it a vacation but you know with little kids it’s never really a vacation is it? We were kept very busy and we’re going to the mountains.

06:18 We go up there driving up there through the Blue Ridge Mountains and eventually the Smoky Mountains and the Pixa Forest and and we see in the Smokies these great hills, rolling hills and you have the cattle on these hills and I was thinking God you know he owns all the cattle. The thousand hills that’s all his. Amen.

06:44 And we get there and the first thing we see is a family asking for help. They had a sign asking for help and so my wife went into the store to get a cake from the store and I just was praying and I was asking God to give me guidance on how we can help them. We just got there.

07:02 We’re on a vacation and for whatever reason it seems like sometimes when we go out of town there’s more ministry activity than when we’re in town sometimes. I’m trying to stay busy for the Lord here but man it’s amazing what happens when we go out of town. The Lord really opens doors all the time.

07:17 So my wife walks out with two bags and one bag was the cake she was gonna get and then the other bag she said I got some cookies bring them to them I knew you’re gonna go. And so I said well yeah I believe the Lord wants us to go talk to Him so I went and got out of the car and approached them very carefully to say hey you know what’s going on. We talked for a little bit.

07:37 It was a Christian family a family that I believe loves God and they’re learning about God and and discovering who he is and in His ways Amen. 

07:45 And I don’t know for I don’t think we’re from the same denomination I don’t know certainly weren’t from the same church just they’re trying to help my brother and sister in Christ bear their burden Amen. 

07:54  And we both kind of came to the same conclusion as we talked about their need and they had a need to get home and they had a brakes that need to be fixed on their car they bought the brakes we seem to find someone to fix it and then nowhere to stay and they were trying to figure out should they you know what they should do because they were at a campground and there’s all this going on and 

08:16  I prayed with them and we looked at the idea we talked about this idea and they actually brought it up the man’s wife brought it up that God has a cattle on a thousand hills and the idea here is that God being self-sufficient do we have faith that He truly is because if we have that faith then yes it’s good maybe God wants to test us Christians to see if we’ll step up and give when they hold a sign up.

08:42  But at the same time while they’re holding that sign up in their hearts they have that peace and security knowing that God ultimately will provide and I had to tell myself that too because you know I’m over here wanting to fix problems and stuff and I you know was helping them make calls and so forth trying to solve the issue but at the end of the day I had to give it to God too and say you know what our God is a great God.

09:04  and if we will step up and be obedient to him to pray with one another to bear their burdens to seek the Lord’s power and strength He is going to deliver them from that and He then will get the glory.

09:17  and we’ll get to that point in our next message about God getting the glory but just understand that maybe you’ve been in a circumstance like that where you’re almost out of words to describe the state of the world we’re in this like very very deluxe vacation town right a town where it’s all you know every little accoutrement you can imagine every kind of entertainment thing you can imagine when there really wasn’t a whole big backbone of crisis ministries there are supportive ministries there support the stranger the passer-through the one that was coming through to spend their money there.

09:53  it was kind of odd and by God’s grace there were some individuals that were willing to step up and help and so I’m thankful for that but at the other end of it there really wasn’t as much as you would have imagined 

10:05 and so what it all comes down to in a situation like that when when they were saying to me this is the first time that they’ve ever experienced anything like this from what I could tell they didn’t say that exactly but that’s the read I got you know what we have to do we have to turn to God and say you’re sufficient I don’t get it exactly what will happen or how you’ll do it but you’re able but you’re strong enough and we’re gonna give you praise everything is yours if you were hungry you wouldn’t have to tell us because the world is yours and everything existing in the world is yours 

10:34 and so everything is yours and your people meet you and we seek you and we’re trying to live for you then you’re going to deliver us and then you should get the glory that being God 

10:46  God should get the glory and that’s how we should live we should have that measure of faith where we’re doing all that we can especially scripturally like the Bible says to bear one another’s burdens to come alongside the stranger you know that parable there about who showed the love Jesus told that parable about how do you you know the thing was the lawyer asked who who is my neighbor right and Jesus told the parable about that injured person and all you know these holy people are walking by on the other side of the street that Samaritan finally comes and cares for that person and puts that person up and so forth

11:18  and we need to have that level of care and that level of sacrificial love and giving and at the same time we need to have that level of faith knowing that our God will supply our need Amen

11:28  and He’ll supply the needs of those that are His and He’s not going to let one fall out of his hand Amen 

11:33 and we need to have that faith and so God says here in verse 50 offer unto God Thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the Most High what we really should be doing is thanking God and giving Him praise.

11:47  I think Thanksgiving is something that miss is missing in a lot of prayers a lot of prayers might be desperation prayers might be panic prayers but let’s not leave out the Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for and how about the fact that God is so powerful and mighty should we not thank Him and praise Him for that it is important to praise Him and thank Him.

12:10  as a Christian I thank Him for opportunities to minister to people in small way I didn’t I didn’t really do much Amen I just was talking to them and they said well you got out of your car I said yeah I got out of my car I’m coming over here because I can tell by their sign they’re believers and they’re in need and you know that’s my brother and sister in Christ 

12:31  and I care Amen maybe I care too much sometimes and sometimes that burden can be heavy and maybe you care a lot and maybe you’re in a situation where you’re bearing a lot of burdens here today

12:41  I urge you I believe one reason why the Lord allowed this to happen allowed me to be a part of it I urge you to seek the Lord and to give thanksgiving and praise don’t underestimate His power today

12:54  He is mighty in the Old Testament He says there I think in the book and the book of Numbers has my arm waxed short am I too am I not strong enough Amen 

13:02 there’s other scriptures as God will say is anything too hard for the Lord no it’s not nothing is too hard for the Lord the creator of heaven and earth is completely willing and able to handle every situation that comes your way if you believe on Him 

13:18 you have faith in Him, He can and will deliver you from those things and what you need to do is number one thank Him in advance for what He’s gonna do and then number two this is very important when He does it you give Him the glory 

13:30 you don’t take the glory you don’t go run off back to a sinful life if that’s where you were you go to God in praise and you give Him the glory how about a testimony Amen

13:41  what a testimony those folks will have as they finally reach their home and they get their brakes fixed of any brothers and sisters that reached out and my hope in prayer is and

13:51  I believe they’ll do this they’re gonna say look what God did not look what so-and-so did but look what God did turn to God and 

13:58 His mighty strength and he will deliver you and give him all the praise he is more than worthy.

14:03  Thank you so much for listening take care God bless and Amen 
