Blessed Is The Man That Walketh Not- Psalm 1:1


00:36 Amen. Welcome to the cafe. Glad you’re here.

00:40 Glad you’re joining us today. I’m so blessed to be here. Hopefully you’re having a wonderful day, a wonderful week.

00:46 So excited again to dive into God’s Word to understand these great truths for us. We’re in one of the best books in the Bible. That is the book of Psalms.

00:56 Amen. I love the book of Psalms and I feel like sometimes you know you in the ministry and you’re trying to preach meaningful messages there’s definitely an emphasis on the New Testament

01:13  specifically those letters written by Paul and those are very helpful and very meaningful but hey don’t count the book of Psalms out now it’s more than just I guess what I’m saying is it’s more than just what somebody may put on a greeting card or on a meditation video or something 

01:30 there is depth to the book of Psalms it was written by a man after God’s own heart David for the most part and David goodness he wrote some incredible praise to God and so I think we can both take inspiration from the words in the book of Psalms the wisdom in the book of Psalms but also even to the style of the book of Psalms the way that these Psalms are written the details in which they’re written 

01:55 the command and authority in which they’re written the certainty of God and his power and deity and how they are written there are clearly Holy Spirit inspired and they just they inspire me every time I study Psalms I’ll say to myself man these are just just just something to them you know that’s like there’s an extra dimension to these you know because if you’re reading oftentimes the Bible through the different books and you’re reading you know kind of the story of the Israelites and you’re reading about Jesus and the picture of Jesus there but in the Psalms we’re kind of more reflecting we’re not looking at at so much history though you can88888 find history in it 

02:34 and and prophecy because you can find that too but we’re just looking more at just like outwardly who God is and how great he is and just praising him

02:44  and so we see here in Psalm 1 a story of the godly and the ungodly blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water 

03:08 that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper the ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind drive it the way therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteousbut the way of the ungodly shall perish

03:33 so we have here this dichotomy two groups you have the godly in the ungodly and you have a holy God 

03:41 and here in this message will focus on the godly and the next message will focus on the ungodly and so focusing on the godly here blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly well okay so we are blessed those that are living for God are blessed 

03:59 when you don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly now that may sound fancy but what that means is you’re not getting advice from people in the world 

04:08 you know that could be really hard imagine you have a friend that you just adore you love this friend but they’re not saved they don’t know the things of God 

04:19 and they have a lot of opinions for you they’re your friend in their mind they they care about you they want to give you advice

04:26  how hard is it to step away and say Psalm 1 I shouldn’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly people I think sometimes replace the word ungodly with evil 

04:37 and they think I won’t walk in the counsel of evil people my friend they’re not saved but they’re not evil so you know in my mind so I’ll take their counsel 

04:47 or how about a relative what if a parent or a relative brother sister uncle aunt grandma grandpa they’re not saved but they’re your relative they’re your blood amen and culturally all the pressure and really almost any culture to listen to your relatives 

05:04 to adhere especially in many cultures if the relative is older than you there’s a great pressure to listen to them the give them honor give them their their do right and give them credibility and there could be pressure on you internally

05:22  maybe it’s a family member that you grew up with and they’re giving you advice or giving you counsel but they’re ungodly and here someone’s telling us blessed is the man that walketh not in that counsel

05:34  nor standeth in the way of sinners what does that mean that means that hanging around the wrong crowd does it not standing in the way of sinners you know a lot of people that are saved forget this verse there forget this section of this verse literally the first chapter of Psalms

05:52  the first verse of Psalm Psalm 1 and we see we oftentimes will go to these places maybe it’s a party maybe it’s a gathering maybe it’s a happy hour maybe it’s a sporting event a concert wherever it may be

06:09  and we standeth in the way of sinners we are all around them you know there is great warning from God to stay away from them to depart from the unclean thing what fellowship does light have with darkness nothing amen 

06:21 we are not to be unequally yoked and so this goes not just standing in the way of sinners but also sitting in the seat of the scornful acting like them so we are not we’re not supposed to be hanging around with them or act like them sit in the seat of the scornful but guess what when you hang around somebody you’re gonna act like them that is human nature that’s how we’ve been designed 

06:47 so if you have five people you surround yourself with and they’re good godly people and they don’t cuss they don’t gossip they try not to covet they’re humble they don’t murmur and complain all the time they are just good godly people 

07:02 well guess what that’s going to do to you in your disposition now I may not change you completely but you are going to be more like them now look at the opposite conversely you’re around five people all they do is gossip all they do is cuss 

07:16 all they do is covet all they do is get into sinful stuff now you’re sitting in the seat of the scornful now you’re living like them and the Bible says you will not be blessed blessed is the man that walketh not not not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners 

07:33 nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful so we’re blessed by staying away from these people which again people will read this verse and say although this really means evil and I don’t go around evil people 

07:46 and I can’t figure out why I’m not blessed well really reassess your situation and that can be really difficult and you’re saying brother Clark does God call me away from my friends 

07:57 and family he may he may there’s examples in the Bible of that amen David who wrote this one of his own children tried to kill him wanted to kill him you know one of the Psalms is I think when he’s hiding from him you know it’s

08:10  it’s sad Absalom is his name it’s very sad we we love the Lord here today on the KJV cafe and I speak from the heart when I say that God will call us to places that are difficult that put to the test our faith in God versus our kind of way or our behavior in the world 

08:32 and this psalm is tackling this right off the bat but look at the latter part here in verse 2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law nothing meditate day and night 

08:42 so we should be delighted in the law of the what is the law of the Lord well that’s the Bible that’s his Holy Word and here if we think about literally the law of the Lord that would be all his commands amen

08:54  and you know it is a great thing to delight in the commands of God you know to think about this people if they’re dealing with the commands of God typically it’s like get out of jail how can I get out of jail free type of thing

09:06  can I get away with this sin or how bad was this sin that I committed right it’s not looking at it delightfully saying oh I would love to know what it means to covet I would absolutely desire to know how God would have me to love my neighbor

09:24  you know you know when we delight in these things we try to seek God’s way of these things we try to understand as our Heavenly Father his disposition his ways because we know the Bible says that his ways are not our ways that his ways are higher than the heavens are from us amen 

09:40 they’re very high up his ways they they’re hard for us to grasp hard for us to understand amen and yet we are to delight in the law of the Lord so when we read the scriptures 

09:51 and it tells us to fill in the blank whatever it may be not desire what your neighbor has right don’t covet your neighbor’s wife or property or whatever we should delight in that 

10:04 and we should be checking ourselves okay you know Bob the neighbor got a new lawnmower my lawnmower doesn’t work mmm Bob the neighbors lawnmower sure looks nice now that seems so innocent but if we delight in the law of the Lord we can catch ourself and say hey you know what I think I’m coveting a little bit here 

10:20 Lord I repent I’m sorry help me understand this point this out to me and let me not do it again you see we delight in the law of the Lord we understand things like recompense the idea that the Lord vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord 

10:35 that he will repay the unjust with their unjustices okay he will repay the wicked with their wickedness we can delight in the law of the Lord so when we’re done wrong 

10:44 or we see injustice happen we can delight in the fact that God will deal with it and that God is a mighty judge and that everyone will answer to God with a bowed knee and will answer for all that they’ve done amen 

10:56 and we see that when we delight in the law of the Lord what do we do we meditate on it day and night we meditate on it day and night that means we think about it all the time are you thinking about the law of the Lord all the time no probably not but if you’re in God’s Word you certainly would be so if you commit to reading God’s Word and studying God’s Word every single day day after day and that will drive you to be meditating on his ways

11:20  and and all his thoughts and so forth all the time if you’re in his word and you’re studying and you’re praying without ceasing doing the best you can that’s the idea of meditating day and night first thing in the morning always before bed in the middle of the day every time that you can 

11:35 and then what’s the result you’ll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth this fruit in this season and his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper 

11:47 oh wow so the result is fantastic if we don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly we don’t stand in the way of sinners we don’t sit in the seat of the scornful we don’t act like them we don’t go around them we don’t want nothing to do with them we delight in the law of the Lord

11:59  and his law we meditate on day and night we will be like that tree planted by the river what a beautiful visual illustration we have here that water replenishing that tree 

12:10 and that tree bringing forth fruit that leaf never withering imagining trees all around having problems with their what not getting enough water and their fruit not blossoming right 

12:21 and with their leaves falling off and withering and ours are just so strong and we’re so fruitful and everything we do prospers and people say all that individual all the hand of God’s on that individual I wonder why 

12:32 well maybe because that individual was studying God’s Word God in the Psalm one took it literally as they should and applied it to their life realize that this is for our benefit God’s Word is for our edification as believers 

12:48 we are to turn to it to grow in the ways and knowledge of him and we are blessed literally Psalm one starts off with blessed is the man that’s all you need to know 

13:02 that God’s saying look if you do this if you focus on this program right here you will be blessed and if you don’t do this if you have unbelief you won’t be blessed because we’ll get to that in the next episode but there is a absolute delineation here between those that seek the Lord and live for the Lord and those that don’t 

13:22 and those that seek the Lord will be blessed for it those that seek his ways will be blessed for it those that depart from sin in their life and the sinners around them will be blessed for it beyond 

13:32 just departing from them those that don’t turn to them for their advice but going to godly counsel going to the Lord of course and going to those he’s put in your life that have the Holy Spirit living within them 

13:44 that have the proper discernment that are close to God they’re living for him that is who we should turn to in our counsel and as we do these things we will be blessed to get into Psalm one

13:53  read it’s only six verses it’s meant for man six is the number of man amen first book in the book of Psalms and realize we are blessed when we follow the Lord and we certainly are cursed 

14:05 when we don’t I thank you so much for listening today tune in next time as we get to the opposite side of the psalm and what happens

14:13  thank you so much take care God bless and amen 
