How to Get Saved- The Importance of Romans 3:23


00:38 Amen. Glory to God. Welcome to the program.

00:42 Welcome to the cafe. I hope you’re having a great day today, a great week. Today we’re diving into a very important part of God’s Word.

00:51 It’s very sobering and very important. Romans 3:23. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

00:56 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Have you thought about that verse lately or have you heard that verse? You know, it’s been on my heart in my mind a lot lately and I think the reason why is that this verse in particular points out what many struggle with when it comes to salvation. So if you’re not saved here today, please listen.

01:24 And if you are saved here today, please listen so you can share this with someone else and maybe help give you a better context to address what’s happening here in the Bible and in life and what people are facing.

01:37  Romans 3:23 says for all have sinnedand come short of the glory of God. And then Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

01:51 And so we see this connection here that all have sinned and the wages or the payment for that sin is death. And that the only way to be saved is through the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

02:01 And we see also in Romans 5:8 that but God commendeth his love toward us and thatwhile we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

02:07 And so we see Romans 5:8 that while we were sinners God loved us so much that while we were yet in sinChrist died for us. And so we see we all sin, we see the wages of that sin is death and we have a sin debt that we cannot repay and we see God’s love sending Christ while we’re in that sin to die for us. And that’s the kind of the beginning here of Romans Road.

02:37 It’s the beginning of understanding our need for God and that’s what I want to speak to you about today is our need for God. If we don’t believe that we have a sin problem how can we be saved?

02:52  If we don’t believe in a fearful living Almighty God how can we be saved? And I think those two things they hinder people from true salvation because they never actually get to the point of truly believing their need or the God that resolved their need. And so let’s start with the need.

03:12 When you live a life in sin one thing I believe and I’ve lived and of course we all sin we all fall short but I mean like living as an unsaved person. When you live in that regard you live in a kind of a type of willful ignorance. 

03:26 You live in a kind of an idea of just keep me blindfolded from everything so that I don’t really think about eternity.

03:41 I don’t really think about my eternal home. Let’s let death be a surprise and hopefully it’ll be a good surprise and not a bad surprise. And let’s not get into all this stuff about sin and what God says is right and wrong because that would then convict me or make me feel like I’m doing something wrong.

04:04 And many people today that’s where they’re at. If they could just zone out a little bit you know whether it’s through alcohol or drugs through movies or music and just not think about it.

04:21  And they think that this is for their well-being right that hey if I can just live my life and feel like I’m the captain of my own ship even though I’m not even though you know it’s foolish to think that you made yourself amen that’s foolish.

04:31 If I could just think this then I won’t struggle with these greater issues. And so the irony here is what people think is helpful to them in sustaining their identity in their lifestyle whatever it may be their their so-called peace of mind is actually keeping them in bondage. 

04:52 They’re literally in a prison that they can’t get out of and as long as they won’t acknowledge their own sin they’re in a prison.

05:01 Now think of this even the sinner even the lost unbeliever will tell you that man is no good. I’ve asked lost people I say is man good? No no man’s man’s not good. Man’s not good.

05:13 Mankind is not good. Look at the world today it can’t be good. Okay so the intellect says man’s not good right? Well are you good? Well I’ve tried to be good.

05:25 I feel like I’m pretty good. And that’s where the disconnect happens. So we’re able to look at others and say they’re not good or the world collectively and say they’re not good but then we look inwardly and we think well we’re okay.

05:37 The Bible says that our righteousness is as filthy rags in the book of Isaiah it’s and the term is like a dirty gauze pad amen. That’s what God thinks of our righteousness outside of him.

05:46  Okay so he made us he created us he desires us to come to know him he desires us to be saved he has a program that he has for us to follow 

05:55 and when we step outside of that program we are rebellious and we’re calling God a liar and that kindles the wrath of God I believe to the extent that he says look I’m gonna send you witnesses I’m long-suffering I’m patient I’m gonna let nature witness to you

06:11  I’m gonna let you realize that there’s no way the solar system does what it does without a creator 

06:15 I’m gonna let you see the ocean and the tides I’m gonna let you understand how the mountains and the ecology work

06:21  I’m gonna let you know how the trees are happening with the air going in and out and so forth and I’m not a scientist clearly but God will testify through nature that he exists

06:30  he’ll testify through relationships that he exists he’ll testify through his Saints that he exists he’ll he’ll testify through all the prophecy that he exists all that future history that’s predicted hundreds of years in advance in the Bible 

06:44 and then he’ll testify through even third-party scholars backing up that history he’ll go on and on sending witnesses sending others to show his love and mercy 

06:56 and I have personal examples that I can tell you that are absolutely incredible I had a missionary friend that I was doing some recordings for interviews for his his program at the time he had a missionary program a website where people could give to different missionaries and so I thought it was a good idea to interview them

07:15  and I’d call them up online and interview them and got to know this guy interviewed him a really nice guy really neat program it’s man of God he happened to be in the exact third world country that my wife’s grandmother was living in 

07:31 and it was not a welcome country to people there’s not one that people would obviously be in especially Christians communist country he was able to go and witness to my wife’s grandmother

07:45  now that just moves me to the core because that’s God’s love that’s God’s absolute love in a country that’s all wrapped up and mysticism and Buddha Buddhism and all these other isms all these dead idols and dumb idols God could have just thrown him away and he said no

08:04  I’ll send a witness and I’m so thankful for that only God knows the heart of that that lady and she’s passed on or she’s passed away I should say but God knows and I thank him so much for sending that witness amen

08:19  and what does that mean here today that means that God will do his level best to reach you with themessage of his program but he will not compromise his program and 

08:35 his program is Romans 3:23 this is a truth for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that is a truth and people take it personally and they thought I’m trying to be a good person your righteousness doesn’t count okay 

08:49 it is in irrelevant you have great sin in your life you want to know how God’s gauge for sin go look at the law can you keep the law the law says if you’ve ever even looked upon another with lust you committed adultery law says if you ever stolen anything all if you ever told a lie anything we’re all convicted by the law the law is there simply to show us we can’t keep it and that we’re not righteous 

09:12 and you say well brother Clark where did the sin come from it came from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden they ate of the forbidden fruit and that was it sin entered the picture they were there was this is in the book of Genesis they were abolished from the garden they were sent away amen

09:26  now God clothed them God still loved them but they had sinned amen they had sinned and ever since then sin became hereditary passed down from generation generation no one here on this earth is without sin the only exception being Jesus Christ when he came as God in the flesh born of a virgin was without sin 

09:46 okay and other than that there’s no one else and so who has to go and pay the sin penalty for all mankind the one without sin Jesus Christ and he died on the cross for all our sins

09:58  and when we believe that we have a sin debt that we can’t repay and we believe that Jesus Christ repaid that sin on the cross we believe that he was buried and resurrected the third day

10:07  we believe on his resurrection or saved Romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so we are to confess it with our mouth and believe it in our heart 

10:23 Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved whosoever anyone’s eligible no one is too good that they don’t need to be saved or too bad they can’t be saved that means the good Samaritan that doesn’t know the Lord will go to hell that means the murderer that accepts Christ would go to heaven 

10:39 that’s God’s program Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 8;1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walked notafter the flesh but after the Spirit 

10:54 see when we’re saved we’re no longer condemned we’re no longer under the law we’re no longer condemned we’re no longer headed for devil’s hell we are now a child of God we are headed for heaven 

and Romans 8:38-39 for I‘m persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord 

11:20 nothing can separate us from the love of God nothing can separate us from our salvation once saved always saved that’s the biblical idea of eternal security 

11:29 so when we believe on Christ we’re saved forever to be with him for an eternity and what great peace and joy that brings oh man Romans 8:1 no condemnation then which are in Christ Jesus that’s beautiful

11:48  it’s wonderful to know that God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten to die for us on the cross but it all starts with realizing that we have a sin debt we can’t pay 

11:57 that we come short of the glory of God that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and I encourage you to get into the book of Romans 

12:05 I’ve read Romans 3 23 6 23 5 8 10 9 10 13 8 18 38 through 39 it’s called Romans Road research it understand God’s program and believe on him

12:20  and that starts with that humbling act of realizing that we have a sin that we can’t repay

12:26  and when we do that the Lord will gloriously save us when we get to that points the idea of getting to that breaking point we realize that we can’t do it on our own God will show up in a way that’s supernatural and miraculous and he’ll change your life even if you don’t see any crazy signs or anything like that

12:44  it’s still a supernatural act because the Bible tells us your name is now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life never to be blotted out never to be erased

12:53  get in the book today both the book of life get your name in there be saved and get in the Bible and read it and realize that tomorrow is not promised if the Lord’s been working on you accept him as Savior today

13:06  do not wait for tomorrow friend please I implore you to just make it the top priority right now to accept Christ and if you’ve already accepted Christ share this with someone else that needs it tell them hey I thought you’d find this helpful give it to them you can send it I’ll put it online amen 

13:22 it’ll be called the Romans Road message I’ll throw it on there but please please please turn to God in these last days accept him as Savior and once you’ve accepted him as Savior make him Lord of your life and serve him serve him in all that you do 

13:36 and you will be so blessed for that I promise you I speak from experience God is richly blessed as I’ve turned to him and as I was a far off from him it was the most miserable time of my life so learn from me 

13:49 don’t don’t have to repeat my mistakes turn to him now and enjoy a fruitful life in the Lord and I want to remind you if you do want to share this message or just keep in touch with us you can find us 

14:00 on Facebook find us there like us follow us whatever you want to call it 

14:10 and we’ll post some stuff on there for you to share I thank you so much for joining us take care God bless and amen 
