Given For Our Offenses


Thank you for joining me today. Great to be here. Welcome to the cafe. We are exploring Romans 4. And a little bit of chapter 5 and some great truth about how Jesus Christ saved, all of humanity, all that believe on Him, all the believe on Him, but gave the opportunity. For all of humanity to be saved that Jesus Christ did that on the cross and Calvary. And that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ Alone, and that salvation is very important because it is needed. And the idea here is substitutionary death. The idea here, is we deserved death for our sin debt and Christ came and substituted, Himself being fully righteous and died for us for all. And when we believe on Him, we are saved. Amen. As that as that process there, where He died for all, for all time. Amen. But we have to accept that free gift of Salvation. If I knocked on your door and you opened the door and I said, look, I have a free gift for you. And let’s say I was holding a box right wrapped up with a bow on it, how about that? I said, I have a free gift for you. Okay, well, how odd would that be in this day and age to knock on someone’s door and set for free gift? And you would look at them if you’re like me you probably skeptical and you might say, no, thank you. And you close that door. Now, if you close that door. Who’s holding the free gift. I’m still holding it because you didn’t accept it. Now, I offered it to you, it was going to cost you nothing, but you had to accept that free gift for whatever reason, you decided not to accept it. You have that choice. God has given you that choice. And so, we have both a universal way to be saved. A way to be saved for all mankind. And yet, we have very few. I believe that really understand this concept and accept it and believe it and have accepted that free gift. Because what it means is to truly understand, how can you say you have faith? If you don’t understand what you believe in, how can I say? Yeah, I’ve got faith in. You know, I’ve got faith in the tide of the ocean. And I have no idea what goes on with the tides of the ocean. Well, I’m saying I have faith and tied to the ocean that they’re going to come through low tide and high tide, but I don’t even understand what that means or where it is. That’s not really Faith. That’s ignorance and ignorance won’t be an excuse when we get to the judgement it certainly won’t. And so, we’re talking about something beautiful here, the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross. And this is a three-part series. So, if you’re listening to this, uh, and you’re afraid you may miss the other parts You can catch it on online. Well, eventually get this on YouTube or KJV It may take a little bit, but we’ll get it up there. Substitutionary death three-part series part one is delivered for our offences If we are to understand what Christ did for us on the cross, we first need to understand that we needed it done for us, right? Many people pride will get in the way, and they’ll say, oh, I didn’t need someone to do anything for me. I’m good. I’m well behaved I follow the rules. I pay my taxes. Hey, I give a little bit to charity. I cooked a meal for some, but needy person last week, I’m definitely getting into heaven, and God will laugh at that. God will say, absolutely not. I have a way. And as Jesus Himself says, the way to to God, God, the Father is only through the Son. Only through Jesus. A Romans 4:17-25. This is speaking of Abraham here as it is written. “I’ve made thee father of many nations before him whom he believed“, even God, who quickeneth the dead or make alive the dead, and call those things, which be not as though, they were who against hope believed in Hope. But he might become the father of many nations according to that, which was spoken. So shall thy seed, be and being not weak in faith. He considered not his own body. Now, dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb, He staggered, not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that when he had promised, he was able also to perform and therefore, it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now, it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him. But for us also to him, it shall be imputed. If we believe on Him, that raised up Jesus. Our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Right? So here we have Romans 4 17-25 going through Abraham being justified by faith. You read the story of Abraham. In the Book of Genesis, we see God’s chosen, God’s anointed who didn’t know where he was going leaving, ER, the calves, and he was going off, eventually Decananama, he didn’t know but he believed. Amen. And he went off there. And yes, he ended up in Egypt for a spell and he’s not perfect and lied to the king there and so forth and had some problems and there was famine in the land, Etc. But in the end, if you read it about Abraham, it’s a beautiful story of obedience to God of belief in, in something, he couldn’t see and he was of an old age and Sarah being an old age and yet he believed, you know, what God says, I’m going to have a child, I’m going to have a child and yes, Sarah’s been barren and she’s very old and he’s getting up there to 100. And yet, you know, that’d be improbable for us to believe here on Earth, yet Abraham believed. And now we look at the cross and we can’t pull up any, uh video or anything to show us the actual historical event. There is no story. In the newspaper at that time, all we have is God’s word and we have many doubters, and many people that want to pick it apart, but all we have is God’s word to believe. So, how Abraham believe the miraculous we are to believe the miraculous as well, we are to believe on God and has Abraham was justified for believing on God and what God was going to do and that is giving birth to Isaac, the chosen son. Remember, Abraham and Sarah had Isaac, right? Isaac. Rebecca, they have Jacob and then Jacob has 12 drives of Israel. Amen. Literally, there’s famine in the land. They go into, uh, Egypt. Jacob and after Joseph had begged, Jacob, his father to come. They go into the land of Egypt if they had so sold. Joseph off in the slavery and they go in there because there was famine they needed corn, cordless in Egypt, Joseph had become great powerful and said come here we’ll take care of everything. They come there in that little group, and they end up leaving the Jewish people end up leaving Jacob’s progeny as children end up. Leaving those 12 tribes Many hundreds of thousands, if not a million leaving and the Exodus Uh, story departing Egypt. from bondage to freedom. And so, we see this, we see this great people, God’s chosen people all, starting with Abraham, all starting with his belief and him being justified, even though Abraham did live to see all of what happened, he believed. And even though, we may not live to see all that God is going to do through us and with us, we need to believe and when we believe we are Justified and that is the point, but part of the belief. One of the main parts of the belief, is that we’re offenders is that we have a sin nature that we cannot fix on our own goodness. That’s so difficult to chew on. But here in verse 25 of Romans 4. It says, who was delivered for our offenses? Speaking of Jesus? Who was delivered for our offenses? It was raised again for our justification. There, there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. The Bible says, and we see that Jesus Christ being perfect spotless. Uh, sinless Lamb of God. Even John the Baptist when he saw Jesus. That’s what he said. I mean, you see this, he says, oh, here comes Jesus, right? You kind of read through and John the Baptist first sees Jesus, but one, John, the Baptist was really saying is there is Jesus and He’s going to be delivered for our offenses and he’s going to be that sacrifice. He’s going to die for us. I read that now and I’m thinking man? What a greeting, you know, oh hey there’s God in the Flesh. You’re gonna die for me and everybody else because we’re not good enough. But if we’re honest, we’re not good enough and we needed somebody to go and do that. But it not just somebody it had to be. The perfect spotless Lamb. That’s why. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin that’s miraculous. That’s why Jesus Christ’s father is Father God. Amen. Joseph was just the adopted father; you can preach her whole message on that one. That’s why Jesus Christ lived without sin. But for those 33 years, that’s why Jesus Christ. Obedient to the father willingly went to the cross could have wiped out all of his all of His people that were trying to get Him all of his enemies could have had Legions and Angels, come down and do, do everything that needed to be done, could have done so many things, but Jesus Christ, obediently willingly died for our offenses. And so, do we realize our sin? Do we try to hide it? Do we try to pretend that we’re perfect? You know, why did the devil fall from Heaven? He was, uh, proud. He wanted to be like God had he tricked Adam and Eve, he said be proud. You could be like God, and how people today are going to hell, they’re proud. And they want to be like, God, they want to have their own Destiny in their control. They want to be the captain of their own ship. I don’t think I’m a control freak by any measure, but I like to have a schedule. I like to be in control. Amen. I enjoy to that, you know, have a list that I check off, right? But when it comes, to Salvation. We must realize that all we can do is believe and we need to start our belief with understanding that we’re Sinners. We need to realize that that sin came to us from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and has been handed down from generation to generation. Now, that may be difficult to think about and may, you may feel like that’s unfair, But, in fact, it is what happened when Adam and Eve sinned. And so, the first Adam, he brought sin into the world, right? In the last Adam, Jesus Christ. He fixed it, he resolved it. So, that’s why the Bible says that Jesus Christ, fulfilled, the law, right? So, we no longer need to make sacrifices, or you know, burn stuff at the altar or do anything like that. We don’t need Idols and bow down to this that and the other we simply need to believe on Jesus and what he did on the cross to resolve to pay that sin debt. Amen. That’s how we are reconciled with God. There’s a great verse that follows Verse 25 of Romans 4 and that’s Romans 5:1, therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, we are justified. The idea of justification we are justified not by anything that we did but by what Christ did and then all we do is believe. So, it’s kind of funny because people say, well, there’s nothing that I can do uh, to please God. Well, there is something you can do, you can believe and that is an action, right? Again, gave the example of giving a gift at the door, if you don’t accept that gift, if you don’t believe, right? Then if I told you, if I knocked on your door and said, here’s a gift, by the way, there’s everlasting life here and you say, I don’t believe you and close your door. You didn’t accept, you didn’t take that action. But if you believe that God is who He says He is, and He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. If you believe that what He put in his word is true, that it’s only through Christ that you can be saved. And that Christ really did walk this Earth. They I was born in Virgin and that he really did give Himself to die. The most brutal death ever on the cross and to be buried 3 days to be truly dead in the grave. Amen. I’m going to be risen again. By our Father God, right? Our father God, we see here Romans 5:1. Therefore, being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, right? So, God the Father raises God, the son. And when we believe on what God the son did on the cross, the finish work of the cross, we get the Holy Spirit living within us. That’s the Holy Trinity. Amen. And it’s all because of what Christ did on the cross, but we must recognize our sinful nature and it’s nothing we can do but believe in order to be saved and when we realize our offenses, we realize our need for a Saviour, we realize that we’re poor in spirit, we realize our spiritual poverty and we turn to God and we ask God to save us through Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross. We’ll be saved. It’s a beautiful, beautiful, wonderful picture in the Bible of how to be saved to just believe as Abraham believed it was justified by faith. We can believe and be justified by faith. It’s a wonderful thing. So wonderful, it’s the best news. It’s the good news, believe it today. Thank you so much for joining me. Take care, God bless and Amen. 
