Escaping Temptation- 1 Corinthians 10:13


Thank you for joining me today. Welcome to the KJV Cafe broadcast, so good to have you here today. And what we’re talking about this episode is “Temptation“. Temptation 1 Corinthians 10:13. Paul writes “There hath, no temptation taking you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the Temptation. Also, make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it”. Amen. 1 Corinthians10:13 talking about Temptation. Look, we are all tempted. Are we not, no? Temptation is unique to you alone. There’s a commonness to Temptation. We all bear it, and I would like to say in this verse what we see here is God’s love. Amen. God’s love. He loves us so much. That number one He wants us to know the things that we face. We’re not alone, you know, there is some comfort in commonness. There are some comfort in the idea if you were in the military and you’re going to boot camp that many have gone before you, and that many are going with you and that many will go after you, there are some comfort in that, I remember, Uh, in sports going to pre-season practices. And, you know, there was things hard enduring, uh, challenges that we had to go through you know we’d have to endure them and punishing practices and I took comfort and that I had others with me and that there was a way to get through it. And hear what God is showing us is that when it comes to temptation, right. You’re not alone others too. Uh, have been tempted with these same things because truly, the inverse of that is when someone would say, oh, I’m tempted beyond measure. No one’s ever been tempted, like I’m tempted. How does God expect me to get through this? And what God is saying, is no, there is a well-worn path, and it is by turning to me. Amen. That’s kind of the end of the message. At the beginning, we turn to God. We’re delivered from these Temptations, but he wants you to know that there’s a commonness to it, that there hath no temptation taken you, but such as common to man. So, God’s love is letting, you know, first of all that these things happen. Remember, we are in a broken censic, world and even know we’re in this world. Number one, if you’re saved, you’re not of this world. And number two, God is Right by your side as you go through this world. Isn’t that should bring you comfort today? Isn’t that a good thing to know that God is right there by your side? You know, sometimes, uh, we face adversity, and we say to ourselves. Oh, God. And calling unto God. God, can you hear me? And I feel like God wants to tap us on the shoulder. Say, I can hear you. I’m right next to you. Amen. He is close. He’s nigh to the believer, especially those that have repented of their sins. Those that are seeking Him that are following His ways that are living righteously, there’s tons of scripture on that, that He hears, the prayers of the righteous that He’ll draw an eye to you, as you draw an eye to Him and you cleanse your hands, right? You get right with Him, you understand and recognize sin for what it is and you say, you know what, not only do I not want to do that God but I understand that it is bad and I view it as you view it and I also find it abhorrent. I also find it awful. I also find it disgusting. So, you get aligned with God’s point of view and you get aligned with um, Repenting before Him which we all need to do, right? And you get aligned with following His commands living for Him, staying in His word, that’s where you find His commands in His word and then what happens, He is just as close as can be to you. Amen.  And so there’s a commonness to Temptation, it’s not unique to you alone. And then, what do we have next? But God, oh lately. I’ve been seeing a lot of preaching and hearing a lot of preaching on but God that’s beautiful. But God is faithful. What does that mean? That means that God is faithful in the sense that He is not going to let you Uh, get devoured by Temptation. Without a way out, he’s not going to let you. I’ll be stuck completely in a situation, you can’t get out of that he won’t help you out of. Now again, if you say well, brother Clark, I’ve been in a bad situation, I couldn’t get out of it. Well, number one, were you seeking God. Number two, were you living for God? And number three, was there, a reason God would have you there because sometimes the best things for us. Are often things that we don’t want to go through the times, I’ve grown, the most as a Christian, oftentimes is in the valley in these hardships. So, we have to delineate. Maybe God wants us to go through tough times. And also, understand that Temptation is a broad category, isn’t it? You can be tempted in something. Simple, like a, you’re trying to eat better and you drive by a fast food restaurant, and that’s tempting. I’ve been there. Amen. I love to eat. And try and say, okay, I’m gonna eat more salad and you drive by Chick Fillet and say wow, that’d be delicious. You’re tempted, but then Temptation can take a lot of turns. You may be tempted as a child to give into peer pressure, right? And so, the whole group is saying, you know, take a drag of this cigarette or take this pill or look at this dirty image. And so, everybody is just kind of trying to tempt you into something through peer pressure. You know, adults face peer pressure too. There’s peer pressure at the workplace. I was just speaking to someone about that today, that the company they worked for one of them to do something that went against, what the Lord give them peace about and that is a Temptation. Is it not again? It doesn’t take on the natural look of a Temptation but it is a Temptation and I gave them this very verse. 1 Corinthians 10:13 To let them know that God is going to going to give them a way of Escape and that God is going to get the glory from this. So, there’s no temptation that’s impossible to overcome with God’s help. It says, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye aren’t able. So, what does that mean? That means that God’s not going to allow you to be tempted to something that you can’t resist, right? And so, you use my silly example of Chick-fillet. God is not going to allow me to drive by that Chick-fillet and not have anything in the cupboard to eat and not have anywhere to go. And, you know, I couldn’t go there because I’m really trying to eat, right? And all then, I have to go there. I hope that makes sense. He’s not going to allow that. And again, there’s nothing wrong with Chick-fillet they have salads there. Amen. So, there you go, nothing wrong Chick-filet. But you get the idea, He’s always going to give you a way out, He’s not going to box you in. Because again, the beginning of the second part of the verse says, but God is faithful. And the idea is God understands our Temptations. You know what the Bible I was preaching on this Sunday morning that the Lord is in someone that’s not touched with our infirmities, right? Was that mean our illnesses, our weaknesses, the things we go through. The Lord has been, but in all ways He’s experienced them. How has He experienced them? And the person of Jesus Christ, He was tempted. Uh, the passage always tied to this scripture would be the one where the devil In the wilderness is tempting, the Lord to turn the stone to bread and to cast Himself down on the angels, from the top of the temple and bow down to the devil. He was tempted there, but He was also tempted by the Pharisees, uh, He was tempted oftentimes by people that we’re trying to get Him to say a certain thing, I remember there was one that was trying to ask Him about what happens with a person’s Widow. The brothers Widow over it was and on and on and on, they were trying to tempt Him into an answer. The Lord was tempted in all kinds of ways and so get this because He was tempted here on Earth because He’s also our Lord, because He’s also our creator because He’s part of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost because of all these things, the Lord Jesus Christ can relate to your specific Temptation your Temptation, the God, you pray to, that if you’re saved, uh, that is because of course we have to be saved. Amen. But once we’re saved, we have the Holy Spirit in dwelling with in us. He can relate to your Temptation and that Holy Spirit. What’s the Holy Spirit called The Great Comforter, right? The comforter can comfort you in that situation. He understands He was tempted in all ways. So, He won’t allow you to be suffered Beyond Uh, reason where you can resist and so you say, well, how’s that possible? If things are just happening so fast in this world and it seems to be getting more and more wicked. And all these things. Remember, God’s still in control, he’s still Sovereign. I’ve heard a preaching on. Brother Adrian Rogers, big influence in my life. He  preached on there’s no emergency meetings in heaven. Amen. God’s incomplete control. And Adrian Rogers would finish that statement with there’s only plans and so God is great plans. God is Sovereign, God will use the Brokenness and craziness in this world to allow His plan to come to fruition. Allow His plan to actually happen. And so what we see is that God’s faithful and He won’t suffer us to be tempted above what we can handle. Always, remember that always take comfort in that, that they’re always, will be a way out of Temptation. And again, if you look at the traditional type of Temptation, you might think of an alcoholic and they’re walking down the beer aisle and they’re saying oh why God I’m so tempted. Well, maybe God’s response to that would be get out of the beer aisle, you know? I had a football coach in middle school that was trying to counsel us on where to meet a good woman and He told us the places not to go and He said, if you go to these certain places and you can use your imagination, He says there you won’t meet a good woman as in, you’ll give into this Temptation because you’re in the wrong place. I never forgot that because it’s such a simplistic, uh, idea but it is so true. And so, we don’t if we’re an alcoholic, don’t go in the beer aisle. If we’re addicted to pornography, don’t go to the bookstore, Adult bookstore. Don’t go to the web browser if you’re not in public around in the living room or whatever. If you’re addicted to video games, uh, don’t open the game console. Don’t turn it on, get rid of it. I think you guys get the idea. Amen. Some people are addicted to their cell phones, right? They’re constantly on their cell phones. And I don’t have time to get into all of that, too much detail. But the idea is, you’re saying God, how can I get away from this phone? And God’s saying, uh, go ahead and put it in a shoe box. You know, when at seven o’clock every night, putting a shoe box and don’t get it. Till the next day, I’ve given you that option, you know, or download this app and it shuts it off or whatever it is, but there’s no temptation that’s impossible to overcome. And the key here is with God’s help, right? that’s how 1 Corinthians 10:13 ends that God will make a way of escape. I love that word escape that contracept. The idea the house is on fire and you got to get out. You got to escape and that truly is what we should do with Temptation. We should escape it. We should run from it. We should flee from it. Never get the idea that you’re some kind of tough Christian or mature Christian. If you are going to in the face of Temptation and tempt the devil and and all these things, no fully from The Temptation. I used to hear years ago, that Billy Graham when he would travel for, Evangelical Crusades and so forth. But actually have the TV removed from his room because he didn’t want to watch anything inappropriate, or you might have heard one up. Mike, Pres Mike Pence was vice president, some years ago that he followed up, Billy Graham rule and never was alone with the woman in an elevator and a restaurant, Etc. These are ways, uh, that Dr. Graham was able to use to flee from any kind of Temptation and people would say, oh, the world would say, oh, that’s outrageous, I say that’s Godly, and that’s biblical. And so, we have to understand that God will make us He’ll give us a way to escape. He’ll give us that help, but we have to humble ourselves. We have to seek God. We have to understand His ways. We have to understand, uh, God. In a light that we fear Him. Amen. And that, we, and that we want to please Him as as a child wants to please their father, we have to get that relationship with God. We can’t take these things lightly. Oh, the devil would love to knock someone off the Pew. Knock someone out of the congregation. Knock someone out away from their Bible through giving in Temptation and it can calm in the blink of an eye and like a like a flash of lightning Temptation can come, God gives us a way of Escape, but we have to be on guard. We have to have that whole whole spiritual armour. On, we have to have the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation, and all the rest on too withstand. He’s fiery darts from the devil that we are given an escape. And I just want you to think about this idea. Kind of broadly here as we wrap up in 1 Corinthians, 10:13. The idea that this is God’s love. People say oh God is love. Oh give me an example. Here’s one example. God is here giving you a prescription for how to escape Temptation and telling you that He will not allow you to be tempted, more than you can deal with it and that He will give you a wave of escape. That’s God’s. Love to be in this broken wicked world, full of Temptation. God says, I know it and I’m going to provide for you and God is Sovereign and He provides for us in so many ways. And so, we just have to thank Him for that today. Have you thanked God lately for his provision for His protection on you and your family and your loved ones? If not make today a day, you thank Him. I’m so thankful for what, God’s done in my life. I’m so thankful for you listening to this message today, and I hope it encourages you to continue to seek the Lord and get into His word and understand. He is worthy of all praise. Amen, Thank you so much for joining me. I’ll talk to you soon. Amen. 
