Blessed To Be Saved


Thank you for joining me. Good to be here today. Amen. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Welcome to the cafe. Today, we’re studying, Romans 4, and we were looking at the beautiful, wonderful scripture, Romans 4, that instructs us of all kinds of just great deep spiritual truths. And today, we’re talking about the “Blessing of Salvation”. Do you know, if you’ve been saved, you’ve been incredibly blessed, that you may say? Well, that’s an understatement because if you understand what being saved is and avoiding hell in the grave and so forth, but there’s a lot to it that we don’t quite maybe think about or understand that Paul points out in the scriptures about the blessing of being saved. And so, if you’re in the Book of Romans or turn to the Book of Romans chapter 4, our text versus Romans 4:7-9 and then we’ll back up a little bit and look, At the, the beginning of Romans 4 here, saying” blessed are they who’s iniquities or sin are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. 

cometh, this Blessedness then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness“. And so, what we’re looking at here today is something very simple. Why are we blessed by God forgiving our sins, right? And who is eligible to be saved and how. Okay, and so, why are we blessed? We are blessed to be saved. Amen? Uh, if we back up here in Romans 4, I’ll read a little bit. Here, I’ll just read down from Romans 4: 1 down to verse 10 here to understand the context of this verse. Now, Paul is writing about Abraham also David here we see Romans 4 starting in verse 1. What shall we say then that Abraham or father as pertaining to the flesh hath found for if Abraham were justified by works he hath wore off to glory but not before God for what saith the scripture, Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him, that worketh is the reward, not reckoned of Grace, but of debt. But to him, that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifyeth the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness, even as David also describeth the Blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without Works saying. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and who sins are covered? Blessed is the man whom the Lord will not impute sin cometh, this blessedness then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision. Also, for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. How was it then reckoned when he was in circumcision or uncircumcision? Not uncircumcision but an uncircumcision. And so, we have here, Romans 4:1-10, a picture of what it means to be blessed, uh, through salvation. And the idea, generally, that Paul is writing about here is blessed, is the one, the Lord is not going to put sin on their charge. Blessed is the man to doom, the Lord will not impute sin. Blessed? Are they, who’s iniquities or sin are forgiven, whose sins are covered, cover by what the blood of Christ. Amen. And so, we are blessed when we’re saved, because we are turning to Jesus Christ, and we are accepting His free gift of Salvation. And God is then seeing us clothed in the righteousness of Christ. And is the idea of these substitutionary death, the idea that Jesus died for our sins. And when we do that, when we look to Christ and when we accept Him as Saviour, we are then no longer guilty of all the sin in our life. And we understand that God is a Holy God. God cannot stand sin. God will not stand sin. God will judge everyone according to their sin right now we that are saved will be spared that through what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. We will be forgiven past present future of all sins, because we’ve believed on Jesus. That is the miracle of Salvation. That’s the Blessedness of Salvation. But think about this. What about those that are not saved? They will then be judged upon every sin in their life. And sin is a monster of something that is in the life of every person. The belief you might see like, on a church. Handbook about their core beliefs or their foundational beliefs would be the depravity of man, or the depraved, man. The idea that there’s nothing good in us as humans, not just men but women also beside God. Amen. And so, when we don’t have God, even our good work sort of abomination to God and the devil could use, what looks like good works is something to prefer, God’s gospel, but the good news is that we’ve been forgiven for sins. We accept Jesus Christ’s Saviour because to understand why that such good news. We have to look at what happens. If we don’t accept crisis Saviour and we are judged on our sins, then we are judged very harshly. Because see an entrant the world with Adam in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, and ever since then, every man that has lived every woman, this lived a rich child, that’s live has sinned. He said, well, brother Clark. I know some good kids look, uh-uh. I’ve got kids and I love my kids and they’re great kids but they got sent in them. Hey man we could see that sin. We could see them tell a little white lie. So to speak, we can see them. I’m trying to trap. Yeah. Trick each other trach each other? They’re almost twins. They’re only 10 and a half months apart. If you can believe it and they fight all the time and they love each other their best friends, but they find a lot and it’s a great picture of our natural self. You know, as these children are natural self. In fact, the Bible says that we are to come to God as children which means that we would recognize. Because those kids do, you know, did you tell a lie? Uh, yeah. I didn’t mean to, you know, did you hit your sister? Yeah. I didn’t mean to, you know, they recognize their sin. And so, we must recognize our sin, but there are many out there that are too proud, that are following some form of the law where they think they’re doing good works. They think that their works justify them. They think that they, uh, that they can get away with living in this world. Uh, at odds, with God, I didn’t God, I believe as I’ve been instructed. As I’ve studied, the word has largely withheld his wrath and so all of the Wrath, we see in the world is just how the devil’s starting things up, or the consequences of sin or all these things. But I believe God, largely is withheld us wrath and the people won’t truly see His wrath until the time of the Judgement and if they have not accepted Christ our Saviour, they will be judged for those sins. And so clearly God being a righteous judge is going to be very very scary time and they will spend eternity in hell, I believe it with all my soul as hard as it is to believe as people that we love, that will reject the gospels say, oh no, I don’t want him to go to hell. Well, if you don’t want to go to help keep being a witness to him, keep praying for them. Keep showing them, God all around them. And how God has shown Himself. The Bible says that God has shown himself clearly through nature. So that people are without excuse, and I’m paraphrasing there. But it’s true, you can see God in the stars, you can see God, in the animals, in creation, in all of the incredible, wonderful ways that we’ve been made, you can clearly see God. And so, we have to continue to be Witnesses but we also should thank God that we’ve been saved for the blessedness. that comes with salvation because we are not imputed, um, that sin and what’s really amazing about it is or forgiveness comes only in belief. And so, we are taught in school. We are brought up even in the Work World, to do something to get something, right? Study hard to get an, A, go to work, work, hard all day. Get a pay raise, right? Fill in the blank, you know, sports train really hard and be successful in sports and all of these things may be true. But what’s so funny is when it come funny or interesting or unique when it comes to the faith, God’s saying, no, you can’t work. You can’t do any of those things, you just believe. You just believe and you’re saved. Now, let me say, we are to study the word. We’re study the show ourselves approved unto God; we should never be ashamed of studying the Word. We should never hold back from studying the Word. I could preach a series of messages on how when we seek God in His Word, He’ll reveal Himself to us. In fact, that is one way I believe too. If you have a Believer, you’re not going to argue or an unbeliever, you’re not going to argue them into salvation, but what you could do is urge them. Say look just read the book of John, just read Matthew You know, give him some of the gospels something to start out with and the New Testament, they can start to kind of chew on and think about right? That explains, Christ’s Earthly Ministry, what Christ did? Yes, I know someone out there might be saying well what about, you know, Paul’s pistols, which is for us Gentiles. Amen. In this church age? Yes, of course, give them those too, but let’s start with the bite-size stuff that kind of helps paint the picture of what was going on. Historically, what happened, how you know, painting the picture of the law. In fact, the Old Testament’s fantastic for that because you can read the Old Testament. You can see how much God’s chosen people transgress the law. And if we’re honest, we’ll say that’s no different than who we are today, as Sinners that we can’t keep the law. No, the law was meant to simply show that we can’t keep it. And so, when we realize all of this, we realized that we were, truly blessed to be saved, to be saved by nothing but fait,. Um, we’re saved in this wrath by the shed blood of Jesus, right? And so, in verse 7 of Romans 4, it says saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered? Well, how are our sins covered? They’re covered by the blood by the blood of who by the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us and was buried three days in the ground and was risen miraculously by Father God, Father God rose Him up from the dead to show us that He truly is, is the Son of God. And when we believe on Him, and we believe on a risen Lord, we are saved. Amen. It’s as simple as that. It’s so simple. I’ve got again, young kids and I’m almost there, I’m teaching them this and I know that God’s going to have to work within them to save them. I know they’re all I can do is plant the seed but we’ve been planting those seeds and I believe they’re going to come to harvest soon and they’re foreign five years old but they can kind of understand what sin is and they can kind of understand the idea that God had a son because you know their son their daughter, they understand that. And if they can understand that literally anyone uh that’s of age can understand this, Amen. And when we understand this, we believe, when we believe we’re saved, we are saved from the wrath by the blood of Jesus, the precious blood, and you said, well, why the blood and have preach the message on this before the blood had to be there? Because the Bible says, without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission of sin. And so, Jesus Christ, He walked the Earth, perfect. He was the only person to ever walk the earth, Perfect Sinless, right? And so, when that Sinless Spotless Lamb, that perfect Lamb was the perfect, uh, propitiation in the Bible, says our full payment, for our sin debt, and it’s no longer on our charge. Amen. And so, we really need to keep this in mind. The idea that God Himself saw what happened in the Garden of Eden saw a man fall. It was not surprised by it. He already knew in His foreknowledge because He’s perfect and He knows everything. But God Himself said, I’ll fix this all send. My only begotten son. Jesus, who will be obedient to me to do my will to die on the cross to shed that perfect blood for all of mankind and for everyone and it’s already been done. All we need to do is accept that free gift of Salvation. We literally just need to pray and ask God to say Lord, we know that I know I’m a sinner and I need to be saved please. Lord, save me. I believe on Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Saviour I will live for Him. I will truly live for Him. That’s all you can do. And yes, some people will call it repentance. And yes, I believe we need to repent. I mean, how can you say that you’re a sinner and then not be repenting, right? So yes, it’s repentance. Yes, after we’re saved, we want to get baptized ideally to show publicly but the baptism doesn’t save us. Um, and just being sorry, doesn’t save us. What saves us is belief in Jesus Christ, that’s what saves us. In fact, if I have time here, A Romans 5:1 of a dig it up, your Romans 5:1 therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. See how Romans 5:1 tells us we’re Justified by faith, okay? That gives us peace with God. A reconciled with God, what brought back to God. And, and here’s this second part of the Trinity through, through our Lord, Jesus Christ. What does that mean? That means that it had to come through Jesus. In fact, Jesus Himself says, the only way to be saved is through Him. Keep this in mind today. Thank God for your salvation. If you’re not saved acceptance today. If you are saved, share this with others. Let them know that that you care, and you want them to be saved and it’s so simple. We just have to have faith. Thank you so much for listening. Take care, God bless and Amen. 
