The Last Days and The End Thereof- Proverbs 14:11-12


00:36 Amen, glory to God. Welcome to the program. Glad you’re here.

00:42 So thankful you’re here at the cafe. Hopefully you’re just doing great. You got your coffee or tea, whatever it may be.

00:51 It’s a little warm out. Maybe it’s iced coffee, iced tea, decaf. I’m mostly decaf at this time here this season so decaf is okay.

00:59 They make decaf tea too. I found that out. It’s quite good, amen.

01:04 Look, I can’t tell the difference. I just know I got to keep the caffeine on the lower end here in these times, these stressful times, amen. But it’s been a good week.

01:14 I hope it’s been a good week for you and I’m so thankful that you’re listening today. Today we are diving in again to Proverbs 14 and I say again because last episode was on Proverbs 14 as well and we have a very familiar verse here but I’m gonna put two verses together and I hope and pray that this will bless you and it’ll help you understand what we need to be doing in these last days as we see the hour approach. Proverbs 14:11-12.

01:41 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish. There is a way which seemeth right on demand but the end thereof are the ways of death. The end thereof are the ways of death.

01:55 I’m sure you’ve heard that latter part of the verse, Proverbs 14 verse 12. There is a way which seemeth right on demand but the end thereof are the ways of death 

02:05 and you know that verse has just been ringing in my ear lately. I’ve been thinking so much about that verse and I don’t know why, I really don’t know why the Lord has laid that on my heart and of course first of all I look and see is there something that I’m doing that seems right unto me that that’s gonna lead to death 

02:23 and after I kind of do that review and say okay I think I’m living as the Lord has called me to live for the most part amen I know no one’s perfect just trying to do the best I can based upon what I know from God’s Word

02:38  then what does it mean it means that there are many out there that are living this way and it seems right to man and I think that there’s you know so many people that will look at this and say yeah the lost person they are living a way that seems right to them and the end thereof is death 

02:56 but it could also be for people that either believe they’re saved and they’re not or people that are saved and they’re not living right for God I just have to say that there’s so much of the world in the church today that you just have to wonder what on earth is going on how you can reconcile one with the other if in fact you’re in God’s Word it’s very difficult to be a friend to this world

03:16  and be a friend to God because those two things the Bible would call are at enmity or warfare with one another but let’s back up here Proverbs 14:11 the house of the wicked shall be overthrown but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish 

03:35 okay so we have here two truths okay that come from God’s Word come from the Proverbs here Proverbs 14 this is verse 11 and one truth is the house of the wicked shall be overthrown 

03:48 and we realize here that no matter how good someone is living when they are living in sin it will be overthrown there is not a doubt in my mind the biggest sinners today the smallest sinners today if they’re not right with God their house will be overthrown

04:03  you know I grew up in a broken household household I did I grew up in one and I saw that sin wreck my household and it was a big house amen oh 

04:13 it was a big house and it was broken and everybody I knew was divorced my grandma was divorced my uncle was divorced all my friends parents were divorced we lived up north I don’t know if that anything to do with it I know divorce is prevalent everywhere but it was really really prevalent where we lived and that sin wrecked that house 

04:32 oh and what crept in was the world and all the temptations of the world and all all just destruction and and literally we didn’t even we didn’t even make it out of there unscathed amen 

04:48 it was a very challenging time and I see that as an image of every house that is of those that are living in sin being overthrown God is a holy God God is perfectly holy and anything that is not holy is not right with God amen.

 05:06 now you say brother Clark well I’m not completely holy how am I gonna be alright with God you’re okay with God only and when you are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ so when you accept Jesus Christ as Savior then you’re you’re no longer looked at as a sinner right

05:21  so me Clark right when I accept Christ as Savior God doesn’t look at me as Clark God looks at me as the righteousness of Christ because I have now his sinless perfection put on to me imputed to me right and Christ took my sin on the cross and shed his perfect blood because the Bible says there’s no remission of sin without the shedding of blood he shed his perfect blood on the cross so that I could be forgiven 

05:46 oh what a beautiful picture that is oh how thankful I am for that can I tell you I’m not good enough to be saved on my own can I tell you that that sin curse went to all mankind and that includes me amen

05:58  and everyone else out here today can I tell you that that is only by the blood of Christ that I’m saved that I can I tell you that we are no longer under condemnation those that are saved those that love the Lord amen

06:10  we’re not under condemnation can I tell you that Jesus Christ came to give life and give it more abundantly the house of the wicked shall be overthrown those that have said no thank you Lord no thank you Jesus no thank you to that gift 

06:22 I’m gonna go ahead and live in willful ignorance I’m gonna go ahead and pretend like I’m just living in a world that just happened in a flash that all of these things about how just the all the incredible truths about how the world testified to God’s glory

06:39  I was convinced young that there was a God because I was in a astronomy class and it was the first or second day and the professor got up there and talked about all the stars I said enough I get it there’s a God amen

06:53  about how the earth spins in this direction and only by this amount of way could it be that it’s exactly working this way in that way in the tides and the moon and there’s not I said enough there is a God there’s intelligent designer I know there is amen 

07:07 and so they could pretend they could if a simple person like me could figure it out they have to but they could pretend the Bible says the fool fool says that there is no God and so you’re living in sin your house will be overthrown okay 

07:20 you your life will end in destruction maybe that’s you here today maybe you stumbled on Christian radio I don’t know how you found us amen I thank you for being here

07:29  but I’ll be honest with you if you’re living in sin if you’re hanging out in the wrong places if you’re dealing with all kinds of sinful behaviors lying cheating stealing coveting idolatry the list goes on and on if you are living a life that is not 100% in line with God you need Jesus Christ as Savior and the Bible says that none are righteous no not one is that means that everyone needs Jesus Christ as Savior 

07:54 and once we’re saved once we accept Christ’s free gift of salvation then we are made right with God that’s why the Bible talks about Christians being ambassadors and that we’re we’re in the ministry of reconciliation or reconciling us with God

08:13  and that is only done through Christ Jesus and so we realize the house of the wicked it will be overthrown if it hasn’t already but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish shall flourish 

08:22 what does it mean to flourish it means to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way especially as a result of a particularly favorable environment amen a particularly favorable environment

08:36  and so we see here the house of the upright shall flourish the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish it shall grow because when we’re living for God because we know we’re not upright on our own

08:46  but when we’re living for God there is growth there amen there’s there’s there’s spiritual maturity there there is a piece that surpasses all understanding there is an order I’m so proud of my little daughter tonight we had our little family altar time 

09:02 and my daughter came and I was preaching on sin and all the same things I preached to you about my daughter came up afterwards and said daddy I’m sorry about so-and-so that happened the other night where she had done something wrong 

09:12 and I didn’t I wasn’t preaching on that I didn’t mention that but her heart was convicted I wonder why her heart was convicted because the Word of the Lord was being preached amen

09:20  the Holy Spirit was present I believe that and we see that the house of the upright shall flourish you got little kids that understand right and wrong and are trying their very best to behave you got mom and dad trying to love each other through their differences

09:33  you’ve got a family that are coming together all because they love the Lord all because they are following the Lord’s ways and you have a piece and again I’ve seen it both ways amen

09:41  again I as I mentioned earlier I grew up in the house of the wicked and it was overthrown amen and I’m living on that solid rock foundation I heard rain hit my window last night I started reading that passage of Scripture about being on that solid rock foundation which is Jesus Christ 

09:57 oh it’s so good to be living for God because we will flourish we will grow even when we’re going through trials Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord those that are called according to his purpose 

10:12 and so even when things go bad it is good for us amen you know the Bible also says to give thanks in everything well says in everything give thanks so in all occasions give thanks 

10:22 because even when it’s bad there’s a goodness to it and we see that in so many different ways Paul mentioning his thorn in the flesh we had a YouTube comment someone asking about well shouldn’t God just heal all the time when you ask in his name and I mentioned that he may not choose to heal 

10:37 the example I gave was Paul had that thorn in the flesh he prayed three times for it to be removed Paul was very close to Christ Paul saw Christ face-to-face on the road of Damascus Paul spent time with Christ after that transformation Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles 

10:51 you know Paul’s got a relationship with Jesus and he says Lord please heal me Lord says no because in your weakness I am made strong and so Paul says all glory in my affirmaties

11:03  I’ll go ahead and just glory in them I’ll say thank you God for my affirmaties how about that for a change instead of complaining if you got something wrong with you thank God for it thank him for it in earnesty in sincerity

11:15  and see how he’ll bless you with peace and understanding and discernment and so that the tabernacle the upright will grow we’re blessed when we serve the Lord and live for God 

11:29 and when we depart from sin the best that we can and then we have this verse here there is a way which seemeth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death the world today is living in a way that is going to lead to death

11:39 and it seems right to them and they may do good deeds they may be charitable they may be popular they may acquire wealth they may have status they may have a lot of friends 

11:51 they may be beautiful on the outside whatever it is amen that seems right to man okay it’s good with man but that does not mean it’s good with God in fact God tells us if there’s a way that’s right to man 

12:04 and not to him the end thereof is death we know the Bible says the wages of sin is death and I think if people truly believed in God had faith in God that he is who he says he is is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him if they truly believe that and then they understood that he’s saying there’s a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is death they would be very careful about not living in sin 

12:29 in other words they would fear God and so what we see here is that the world is not fearing God and that man has a way that seems right to them and it could be a silly thing it could be you know just something that they don’t take serious you know they’re not gonna and again I don’t want to downplay anything but like they’re not gonna go to work that day and it seems right to them to lie about it 

12:51 and that’s a sin right or whatever idea it is but then it leads to other sins at least other problems and God is paying attention I did a message recently about God sees all he’s the God that sees and there’s so much scripture on how much God sees that I can’t even include it all in one message 

13:07 but let me just tell you he sees what you’re doing he sees how you’re living and if it seems right to you it doesn’t mean it’s right to him and if you don’t get in the book amen 

13:16 and if you don’t go to him in prayer and if you’re not living for him how on earth can you think that you’ll be right when in fact you could be on death’s doorstep tomorrow is not promised

13:25 and we need to check ourselves to make sure that we are living for God and that this way doesn’t seem just right to us but it’s going to lead to death and we need to make sure that we are living for Christ we are living as he would want us to live 

13:39 and that means to get in the book to be obedient to be meek to be humble to follow his commandments to understand these Pauline doctrines that the letters that Paul wrote the epistles understand those because we are the Gentiles 

13:51 understand what it means and live by it and unashamed unabashed live by it and if you’ve got one foot in the world take it out amen take it out get it out of the world today have both feet firmly placed in heavenly things 

14:06 and get away from the world and you’ll be blessed for it because the ways of God are right and perfect and pure 

14:12 I thank you so much for listening today take care God bless and amen 
