The Fruit of Our Ways- Proverbs 13:2


00:36 Thank you for joining me. Welcome to the cafe, you’re having a great day today. It’s a great day to be alive, Amen. We’ll love the Lord here today , the KJV Cafe and we’re continuing a little bit of a study here in Proverbs ,the Book of Proverbs, the book of Wisdom, Amen. And there’s so much to learn from even a part of a single verse. In this great book. 

01:00 There’s so much to learn that we can teach our kids but also that we can learn ourselves. Amen. And it’s a wonderful thing to do to kind of meditate all these verses of scripture. And as you say, well, why is that one wonderful? A number one? It’s uh, it’s nourishing to the soul. Amen. Who’s that book called? Chicken soup for the Soul. Look, Proverbs is like the super duper biggest bowl of chicken soup. You could ever have for your soul. You want to know why? Because it enriches. You in it nurtures you and it brings you back to health because God knows what you need to live and to thrive and to survive in such perilous times.

01:38  And, you know, the Bible says, as we see these last days approaching we should gather all the more and with the diseases and with all the problems, a lot of people, they may not be able to go to church. Hey, a lot of churches aren’t even meeting on Sunday nights or Wednesday nights anymore and our little church. We do it. And I’ll be honest, sometimes especially after that daylight saving time thing. regresses goes back, you’re going there. It’s dark and it’s cold and we’re tired, you know, I love God, I love church. It can be difficult. So what do we do? We need to get in His word and we need to stay in His word and I encourage everyone that can and is able to go to church as much as possible. 

02:16 But if you’re shut in, if you’re not able that doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you. Amen. That’s I believe. One of the main reasons, the Lord called me to the radio Ministry, was to be a witness and to be able to minister to those that maybe can’t get out of the house. You can’t make it to your services to tell them that God loves you very much. That God’s word is nourishing that God’s word is Health and you’re going to see that here today, that there’s a great lesson we can learn from Proverbs,

02:40  we’re in chapter 13 going verse two chapter 13: 2. “A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth. The man shall eat good by the fruit of his mind, but this soul the transgressors shall eat violence” And so, as we see so often in Proverbs, you have two sides, you’ve got a dichotomy. I think the big word is the SAT word would be. You got one side explaining a good thing and one side explaining a bad thing. You have a good result or a good outcome and a bad outcome. And here we see in Proverbs 13 a very similar type of situation where we have a manual eat good by the fruit of his mouth he shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth with the sole of the transgressors shall eat violence. 

03:24 So let’s start with the beginning here. A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth. What is the fruit of your mouth? You should eat good by the fruit of your mouth. Well, as I understand that, that would be the words that come out of your mouth. What you speak your conduct in terms of your language? And, If you have fruit, if you’re bearing fruit, the Bible says that no bad tree, can bear good fruit and no good tree can bear uh bear, bad fruit. So if you’re bearing, good fruit, uh, verbally you’re speaking it, I’ve also I believe I read this, I want to say in the word. If not the word, a commentarian gave it, uh, was that that what’s in our heart will come out of our mouths.

04:06 And I believe that to be true, it might have been a preacher that said that, but what’s in our heart will come out of our mouth, I believe that to be true. You know, what’s in her head and what’s in our mind and what’s in? Our heart is, what we’ll speak. Have you ever listened to a bunch of music and then all of a sudden you’re humming that too? Is it stuck in your head? I mean, you know that, right? Or maybe you watch a movie and watch a series of movies. You end up talking like the characters or uh, whatever it may be, or you hang around a group of friends and then all of a sudden, you act like they act. I mean, all of this is natural to us as humans and so what’s going on on the inside? And what we surround ourselves with is what ends up coming out of our mouth?

04:44  And if we are living for the Lord and we are a light on a shining hill and we are a great witness for Him, then what we are speaking will bear fruit. The freedom of our mouth will be wonderful and what would that be? You can tell you what it’s not. It’s not Gasa. It’s not hearsay, it’s not rumors. It’s not constant negative statements. About others. Especially it’s not putting the preacher down or as one preacher said it having the preacher for lunch after service. It’s not putting the missionary down or the ministry workers or that or even the church you have to understand and I want you to understand this. God is real and I saw a newsletter and said this, He is a silent witness to all that we say. 

05:36So God is real, right, God’s real. And He’s what? Father God is, what a Spirit, Amen. Right. He’s a Spirit. Jesus came in the flesh. He caught Himself. Condescended Himself down to man and walked with man and so forth, right? But now He is at the right hand of the father in His resurrected body and we have the Holy Spirit living within us. That’s the Trinity. And so when we have the Holy Spirit living within us, we can’t see that Jesus in His resurrected body is at the right hand of the Father as I understand it and then Father, God Himself is a spirit. 

06:07 We must worship Him and spirited the truth is the Bible says and so God is alive. And He the Bible says He goes to and for all and sees all, He knows all Oh, and so God’s alive and He’s a spirit. We can’t see Him, but yet, when we speak, He hears what we speak just because we can’t see Him doesn’t mean He doesn’t hear what we say. So what that means is a number of things. Number one, it means that if we speak bad, He hears it. Number 2, it means that if you whisper something bad to someone else, He hears that too. 

06:37 Have you ever had someone? Try to tell you a piece of gossip and they lower their voice and they whisper it out. Uh yeah God can still hear that. Guess what? God knows every thought that comes to your mind. He also knows every need that you have and every hair on your head. He’s perfect. He’s all knowing, Amen. 

06:53 So why do people act like God? For some reason, is not around at times and Christians, especially start saying, other bad things. Now, here’s where it gets worse. A lot of times Christians are saying bad things about other Christians, you know? Look at the Bible, who did Jesus have the most horrible. Christians that I’ve known that have tried to do something for the Lord. Oftentimes their biggest hardships or critics come from the religious crowd, Amen. Uh, gosh, I feel bad for Mission workers that have to go around and raise deputation and go to all these different churches and so forth. I feel so bad for them because they have to go and they present and I wonder if they’re looking at the church congregation wondering, what will they say about the year? Are they judging? If I’m wearing the right clothes or if I drove the right car, if I have the right brochure.

07:49  When do we become so critical of other Christians? Think about this. If they are a man or woman of God does, God not love them as much as He loves you as His uh, children. Amen. And the reason why I designate that because the unsaved, right? That’s a whole different group, right? We are born again into the body of Christ, we’re born again. Believers! Amen. And God wishes all to be saved, but for those that are not saved, that is one category, we shouldn’t speak badly of them. In fact, we should be a witness to them and at the same time the Christian He certainly don’t want to say anything bad about the Christianity, you know?

08:28  And then He started getting deeper and saying, oh you’re not even talking bad about the Christian you’re talking about the minister, the ministry worker, this is God’s elected, this is God’s anointed. This is like who God put in control of the program that you are around. Before you said something bad about it. But you’re saying brother Clark will, if you only knew they weren’t perfect. Well, imagine that they’re not perfect, none of us are, Amen. I tried to make this designation on Sunday morning as preaching a message, which I hope to preach on the radio soon about the Pharisees. And I was trying to make an example about how it’s a delicate situation. When you look at who they were, In the angst that they brought towards Jesus. 

09:06 Why they hated Him so much, you have to kind of get into like the nitty-gritty details of who they were, what they were in charge with with and so forth. We don’t have time to dive into that today, but it was trying to kind of take that designation of look, we don’t want to be a Pharisee and at the same time, say, don’t look at people that are involved in the ministry that they should reach some elevated status of perfection in everything they do. Yes, we need to strive for that. Amen. We need to repent for God every day and we need to hold ourselves up to a very high standard because we are the only Bible that some people will read as people have often said in the past, and at the same time, we have to realize that these people are human and not only are they human, but they are doing God’s work. 

09:50 And so, when we say something bad about them, right? That is a total, a total awful thing and hurtful to God another way to put it and then I’ll move on here. I have a son that I’ve got two sons. I’ve got a teenager and a little kid who’s four and man, I don’t like it. When people say anything about my kids that are negative. I don’t like it. I get very defensive. They’re great kids and I’m I’m a dad that’s very attached to my kid so I can remember times with both of them. That people have said things that I I got very protective. They’re my kids. Uh, these are my sons, you know? And I don’t like it and I get very protective. I know, I keep repeating myself. Well, guess what? These that you might want to talk about. They’re God’s son, they’re God daughter. And He’s very protective of them and He loves them and if they have in fact, done something wrong, do you not think that it  grieves God even the more that it grieves you and do not think that he is not wise enough. Powerful enough Sovereign enough to take care of it on His own?

10:51  Now. The Bible instructs us to go to a brother and sister. So we shouldn’t take him to court or whatever. We’ve been done wrong, we shouldn’t go gossip about it. We should just go approach them. And if we have a problem, approaching them, we can bring one or two Witnesses with us and so forth, missile progression of how we deal with conflict within the church and none of it deals with the outside world. But it also none of it deals with gossip or hearsay and then if we, you know, some of these biographies, I’ve watched a great men and women of God how they treated their enemies, not even as Christians but their enemies in general, would love and respect and oh gosh, I can think of a couple stories or as a I can’t think of the name of the biography but it was a movie or something. I watched in a great British Theologian and a preacher and there was a man that spit in his face and he trying to, like, give him a gospel track. 

11:40 And then that feature needed groceries and someone came to say, they were going to take care of the preacher, get him some groceries, and he insisted, as they buy groceries, from this particular place and the place was the man. The, the man’s business that had spent his face and he was showing that Agape Love that sacrificial Love that great love. Oh, the examples that you see have just wonderful Christian love in, in spite of that, uh, the founder of voice of the martyrs, I saw an interview of him back from the I think it was 80s 80s or 90s on. I think it was Canadian television, it was online. I watched it. And what he saying to God and he was recounting a story where there was a prison guard. I think that had basically killed put a man on his deathbed and that man witnessed to that prison guard and uh and told him, he loved him while he was dying from the entries. The prison already was lifted him with And the prison guard. It was saved. And they were crying and they were holding each other telling each other. They loved each other.

12:33 This is Christian love. This is Christian. Love to love our brothers and sisters in Christ and to love the lost as that child. That has gone astray as that one that that’s gone far off that God desires to have back because He desires all to come to a saving knowledge of Him. Amen, that none should perish. Amen. What are we doing to show that love to others? And how counterproductive is it when we talk badly? 

13:03 And with the Proverb here saying A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth that when we speak good things, as we speak encouragement, we speak love, we speak, affection all good things happen back to us. We reap what we’ve sown we, we inherit goodness reinherent, uh, that mercy because the Bible says that we can’t forgive others. God can’t forgive us. Amen. But to solve the transgressors, shall eat violence those that transgress God’s law, those that go against what God’s calling us to do, what happens to them, they shall eat violence. Their mouth shall have violence, come upon them. They shall enter into violence. They shall be in a violent state and shall not have peace. Which one do you want here today? I’d rather have peace than violence any day. 

13:49 God’s saying you can have it by the fruit of your mouth by the good words that you say and by abstaining from saying anything bad by living for God and being a testimony to Him and loving not just your friends but loving your enemies and loving all because God loved us so much. Let’s do that. Let’s apply it to our hearts today. Let’s live that out in action and we’ll be richly blessed for it. Thank you so much for joining me. Take care and God Bless.
