Wisdom- The Importance of Hearing The Father’s Instruction- Proverbs 13:1


00:37 Thanks for joining me. Good to be here today. Welcome to the Cafe. Today, we are diving into the book of Proverbs. Oh, I love the Book of Proverbs. We study it as a family in our house. I was thinking today, you know, we have a unique version of a family altar at the Covington house, 

00:53 we don’t just have Prayer time or pray around dinner table and so forth. We get together and we study Proverbs. And, We just have a great time doing it. The kids love it, even though it’s adults. We get a lot out of it. There’s so much wisdom in the book of Proverbs. You know, Proverbs is written by Solomon the wisest man to ever live. 

01:15 And today we’re in Proverbs 13 and there’s just so much knowledge here that we can take from it and I want you to think not just about this prover but also about the idea of studying Proverbs. Uh, I think that there’s a certain way that you can study Proverbs in many ways. You could, there’s a certain way that you really kind of dig into each part of the sentence and you really take your time with it. 

01:39 You kind of slow down and chew the cud as the Bible kind of instructs us to do. And uh, I think with the book of Psalms, you can really look at the phrases that David brings in such a light that you can kind of slow down and meditate. All those phrases, think how you can kind of reiterate some of those praises or how you would put those Praises giving them to God and 

02:03 ,in Proverbs we see the same thing with David’s son, the Solomon’s right in here by the working of the Holy Spirit, both as it was written and has the Holy Spirit allows us to discern what’s written but you kind of chew on it on how to honest kind of understand ant think about what it can do enlighten us to help us in our daily walk.

02:19 Oh how we need that in this world today? That is so burdened down. And so uh heavy late in this sin and so problem filled and so scandal filled how we need wisdom. Oh, we should desire wisdom. We should pray and beg God for wisdom. Just as Solomon did. And the Lord was just so merciful and so gracious. And so abundantly, giving it to Solomon and He’ll give you wisdom to you as you get into the word. 

02:44 So one Proverbs 13th, In the first verse here says, I will read a wise son Heareth his father’s instruction. But a scorner here if not rebuke a wise son heareth, his father’s instruction. So let’s take this uh one step at a time. And first of all, why I said Hearth his father’s instruction if you’re in a family and if you are a son of a father, especially a young son, you’d be wise to hear your father’s instruction. Amen. 03:14 It’s important for children to obey their parents. I was at a store today, one of those big box stores and there was a child that was, I’m guessing about 12 or 13 years of age. That was literally screaming at his mother. At the top of his lungs. I actually thought, um, you know, the day and age, we live in. I thought it was either a robbery, or I thought it was maybe some kind of violence happening or a brawl. And I was watching the aisle because I was in the back of the store to see what was going to be come to my way and this little 13 year old kind of pitch fuzz kid comes trothed out now and that was the voice of all the problems.

03:51  And then the mom behind him looked at me and just kind of said to herself. I don’t know why I had kids. And my heart goes out to that Mom, because anyone that has kids knows, sometimes kids will be disobedient, often times, they’ll be disobedient. And we see here that what was happening in Bible times is still happening today. Here it says a wise son hear at his father’s instruction. Well, it wouldn’t be so unique to put it in the Book of Proverbs. If it wasn’t, you know something. I mean, if it was something that was happening all the time in Bible times, it wouldn’t be worthy of the Book of Proverbs. So clearly, it wasn’t happening then as it doesn’t happen. Now, as that young man, who really needed a good taken over there to the wood shed and I know better than anybody that uh, There’s, you know the teachers when I used to be a teacher, the teachers would always say when you saw a problem in a student, it typically was resulting in a problem in the household. 

04:44 And so who knows what’s going on there? Please pray for that family. God knows he knows exactly what’s going on in the allowed me to see it. I believe to preach on it tonight. A wise son here with his father’s instruction, you know, it’s one thing we can kind of not our heads. We might uh, you know, hear or listen uh kind of in the way that goes in one ear out the other or go ahead and get it over with like bitter medicine. But we need to hear as children, we need to hear our parents. 

05:09 We need to understand that that parent has an intention for you. That is good. Amen. That is to rear you up in the right way that is to prepare you for life. And some of us we don’t know when we’ll be without our parents. We don’t know for me and this early in life as teenager, I was without my parents. I was living in a foster home on my senior year of high school due to circumstances that were beyond my control Amen.

05:36  And so that rearing up that I had for my parents, it had a kick in quite early. In my life maybe you have also experienced that or maybe you’re dealing with that now. But as a child, we must listen to our parents and hear that instruction because here we see the other part of it here in verse 13. Why isn’t here with his father’s instruction. But and that’s the proverbs often due there’s a butt or flip side to this, but a scorner here, if not review a scorner, kereth not rebuke. So one is to hear the father’s instructions. That’s the wise one and a scorner, they won’t hear the rebuke. 

06:12What is scorner mean? It’s a person who expresses contempt or disdain for something or someone a person to expresses kids, attempt, or disdain for someone or something. Uh, you know, when we see here, contempted to stain. Man, that would be someone that doesn’t respect you. That’d be a child. That doesn’t respect the parent. That’d be a child that didn’t want to hear what the parent was saying. 

06:33 And as we understand this Proverb, you know in the beginning, it just says a wise son here at this followers instruction. You think instruction is that mean like the instruction? Hey, go down the street to get some eggs, does that mean instruction how to put together this furniture? But then we see clearly here the latter part of the verse, but a scorer here is not rebuked, but we’re hearing instruction here, we’re seeing instruction in this verse. It clearly means rebuke it means to tell a son when they have done something wrong. And the wise one will hear that and listen to it, right? 

07:02 And a scorner, those with disdain or contempt for their parent, they will not hear it. Now, I want you to think for a minute, what happens to that child that does not hear their parents rebuke that ignores their parent. Inevitably they will repeat that same mistake, right? So if they don’t hear the parent and they don’t listen to the parent, they are aptitude would be that same. 

07:27 Well, let me bring us into our spiritual walk when we don’t listen to God, what happens to us? We trip up and fall. And if we continuously ignore God’s instruction, we will continuously trip up and fall 07:41 Now you say brother Clark, where’s God’s instruction? Well, that’s in the Word, Amen. That’s the Bible. And so, a wise son here with his father’s instruction, a wise son gets into God’s word. Amen. 07:57 When we are born again, we are born again into the family of God. We are adopted into the family of God. Uh we’ve become full heirs to the throne. Amen. As I understand this word of adoption, it means literally full heirs by choice of the one that adopted us to be fully part of that family.

08:14  When I was in that foster home, I wasn’t adopted. I was an orphan child, so to speak. I was just living there. I was not there, uh, of I didn’t share their last name, uh, you know, when those folks pass on. I will not inherit anything from that family. I won’t, I wasn’t part of that family, but when we get saved, Amen. When we get born again, guess what? Amen. We get part of the family. 

08:38 We become part of the family. Uh, the Bible says, uh, that we are co-heirs with Christ. We’re co-laborers with Christ and coheirs with Christ. We are His brother And we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are part of the Heavenly family. It’s hard to imagine that we go from such. A low place of sinner headed for hell and we just have faith. That’s all we do. We just have faith and we’re saved and born again and we enter into the kingdom. Amen. I can say that in present tense enter into the kingdom, because once we’re saved, guess what? Our name is written down The Lamb’s Book of Life

09:10never to be blotted out, never to be erased. That means that once we’re saved our place in heaven is secure, we believe in Eternal security here on a KJV Cafe program. We believe that the Bible richly explains that once saved, all we saved that Christ died, one time for all, for all time, Amen and so once we accept Jesus, Christ’s Savior, when we truly mean it in our hearts when we when we understand what Christ did on the cross for us and He died for our sins and was buried three days. It was miraculously resurrected from the graves by God Himself. Amen. 

09:44 And walk the Earth, 40 days and 40 nights with a seen by over 500 and has ended. Heaven. It is at the right hand of the Father, when we believe that is true and we trust in Jesus, to save your lord, we are securing our salvation. We become sons to the Father. Amen. And a wise son hearth his father’s instruction. So, if we are to be wise we know the beginning of all wisdom is to fear God.

10:08 So first we need to fear God which means we need to reference Him enough to believe He is. He says He is and His rewarder of them at diligently seek Him. 

10:14 But at the same time, we need to get into His word and seek to understand it. We need to hear our father’s instruction. Do you know your father, your Heavenly Father has a lot of instructions for you. Do you know Jesus Himself in the Bible says if you love me, you’ll keep my commandments. God has commandments for us. People like to think that the Commandments are somehow outdated. That somehow there’s this new progression of thought that leads you to some elevated position in life that doesn’t have to do with God’s Commandments, that’s a perversion. The devil has done that to pervert, God’s word and to keep people in the bondage of sin and the oppression of sin. 

10:52 But guess what? There’s a better way. But we get into God’s Word. We understand His word, we get on fire for God, and we start living for Him. We start living like he’s real because He is, we start living. Like He is on the throne in our lives because He is and He deserves to be Then we are wise and we are made whole we are given peace that surpasses. All understanding we are given. Uh, just so many blessings again. That you can’t even quantify by just walking with God. Guess what? God’s Word keeps you out of trouble? And ask someone that’s gotten into big trouble by breaking God’s Word what God’s word will do for them that trouble. Amen. 

11:31 And they’ll tell you a lot a relationship or a job, or many other things because they’ve steered away from God’s word or they feared away from God’s Word. But when we get close to God’s Word and we hear His unders is instruction, we understand it. We’re blessed. And the other side of this is a scorner one that can has contempt for God that has to stand for God. 

11:54 they hear not rebuked ,they will hear not God’s rebuke and that’s not the sinner today. Is he not the rebellion sinner today that is in this world refuses to give God His due that refuses to acknowledge who God is. 

12:10 Because there’s groups of people that say, oh well, I don’t know who God is, well, please you’re not even thinking about it because guess what, the Bible says the star is the moon, the sun, all of it, testifies to God’s glory nature, testifies the God’s glory. You know, when I knew God was real, from a young age, I had a stirring conviction in my heart, but I’ll tell you what, our fresh year in college. I got into astronomy class and they put up on the board all the different stars and how they all work a certain way in the moon and the Sun and how all the rotation worked and how it all perfectly fit.

12:42 And I just my jaw dropped and I said to myself, there is a God, there is a God that whole universe testifies to Him, Amen. I didn’t even know the scripture I just saw that and I said, God, God is absolutely real 1000%, you know, how many condition in the world for so many years in these liberal. Colleges for so many years at my mind to be conditioned to say, oh, I need to question this and oh, there it could be many ways. No, there is one God, Amen

13:08. And His name is Jesus Christ and yes, we got the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ. Is the one that took your sin on His shoulders and died on the cross on Mount Calvary to save you and to save me. Oh, what a glorious thing He did for us. Oh, how I could preach on that all day long. I love the Lord here today. I love the Lord, I thank God for all He’s done for me and my family and for this ministry and I’ll tell you the truth. 

13:34 If you love God you’ll hear Him out. If you love God you’ll search Him out in the word. If you love God you’ll seek Him out, you’ll seek Him out, you’ll want to serve Him, you’ll want to live for him. You won’t treat it with contempt and disdain. I heard a preacher one time, say that many will go to hell because not because they don’t believe in God, because they don’t love Him. 

13:55They hate Him, they’re rebellious and sadly. I believe that’s true. The gnashing of teeth could be their anger towards God as they burn. Don’t let that be you turn to God, get your heart right with God, listen to God. Don’t hold contempt, don’t hold the stain. He will carry you through if you turn to Him, turn to Him today before. It’s eternally too late. Thank you so much. God bless, take care. 
