Heritage of the Upright- Proverbs 20:7


Thank you for joining me today. Today, we’re speaking about The Heritage of Right Living the Heritage of right living. Uh man, you know when we live right it can go really well, not just for us, but for future Generations. That’s what the Bible tells us. And so today on the KJV Cafe radio program, we’re looking at Proverbs 21:7, Proverbs 20:7, The Book of wisdom and such a simple verse yet so, powerful Proverbs 20:7. “The just man walketh in his Integrity, his children are blessed after him.” Oh okay, so you could read that and say all right the just man, he walks in his Integrity, his children are blessed after him, all right. But let’s look at this, you know, when we live right, and what is right living, it’s of and for and with God, right? That’s right. We know that we don’t have any righteousness on our own. The Bible says, we cannot do anything good on our own. So, write means of and for and with God, then we’re so blessed our children inherited. The idea that a just man walks in his integrity is so important because it has great consequences, great blessings. Amen. Integrity. Equals a firm adherence to a code of the specially moral, or artistic values. That’s what my dictionary tells me. Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of, especially, moral or artistic values. Well, let’s imagine then a firm adherence to Gods, moral code, or God’s values. Where do we find those? We find those in the Bible. And we firmly adhere to what the Bible teaches. And not just a little sliver of it here or there, right? Some people, I think they say, well, I’m trying to love my neighbour and I don’t know anything else the Bible says no we need to dig deep. Amen. We need to understand what God has for us in His word and then apply it to our lives. Then we can, I believe expect prosperity expect a blessing. No, I’m certainly not a prosperity preacher by any means because that prosperity may not be in a monetary way. It may just you may prosper with peace, Amen. You may prosper with good health, you may prosper. Simply by having the opportunity to serve God more. We don’t know how God’s going to bless. But what we do know is that the Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:7 that adjust man walks in his integrity and even his children are blessed after him. We do know that we know that there is a action and a consequence. So, we see it. You know what makes me think of this God, blesses so much that we can’t even accept all the blessing and it spills out to our kids. Our cup runneth over that reminds me of Psalm 23:5“thou prepares to table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anoint us my head with oil, my cup runneth over” so even in this wicked world even being surrounded by people that don’t believe in God, that blaspheme God and so forth as we live for the Lord, as we walk in His ways and as we’re mocked and ridiculed and set aside and labelled all kinds of stuff. God blesses, He blesses, He blesses so much our cup runs over and uh you know this program is all about the Bible and I’m not going to tell you all of this that this happens or that just the proverb 20:7. Says, this, we’re going to actually give a Biblical example today of how the just man when he walks at his Integrity, which is in the ways of God, that his children are blessed, you know, it wasn’t hard to find this example, to be honest with you, Very simple example. I’m sure many of you could think of it. The biblical example for Proverbs 20:7 is King David, you know, King David, he showed Integrity, didn’t he? He walked in the ways of God. Now, King, David was not perfect. We know that but what was King David? I mean, let’s look at that because he walked an Integrity. He was a Believer. Not just internally like okay he had faith but he lived his life with actions clearly showing he was believing in a Living God. Have you ever thought about that every time David acknowledged God every time he he sought after God publicly every time he he was acting as a man of God, he was doing it in a way that he was living out his faith through his actions. He was not ashamed. Of God. I was going to say, Lord Jesus Christ. And at that time it was probably just the big G God, I’m not sure he was fully aware of the Triune God, though he could have been but he was living in a way that he said, I know the true God, the God of the Hebrews, the God of the Bible, I know that God. And I’m going to fear that God. I’m going to live for that God. So he’s a Believer, he sought God regularly, and fervently, you know, David wasn’t lukewarm, David wasn’t wish she was. He wasn’t trying to do it on his own. David sought. God fervently. He went after God, why would you seek? God fervently, if you didn’t believe that goes back to the idea that he believed, that God could do something. He believed that God was a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. So he sought Him, He publicly acknowledged God throughout his life. Think about that. David and Goliath, you know, slaying Goliath as a young man, he clearly exclaims before killing Goliath that he was fighting on behalf of his God and he would win, he was acknowledging God then, and then he was acknowledging God, as he was running from Saul asking, for protection, asking for help. He was acknowledging God as he ruled over. God’s people, I acknowledging God, even when he would repent for something like taking the census, he was acknowledging God in the Psalms offering great. Praise and adoration. If you read the Psalms not just literally understanding them. But if you read them from the picture of what’s the character of the person behind it, it’s someone that has a deep affection for God. A deep reverence for God, you know, it’d be a good prayer to pray. Lord, give me that kind of reverence for you. And that kind of understanding of you is because they’re so deep and they’re so beautiful the way that he’s calling out and praising God and explaining God in ways that we we hardly ever hear anyone explain him today. Amen. Is someone that publicly acknowledge God? And David also, he understood God’s power, he feared God. You know today we deal a lot of people that don’t fear God they rebel at the ways of God, right in the face of God, don’t be uh, misunderstood here. God is not mocked and God sees everything. It made me think of the Israelites. They were in the wilderness and they were Moses had gone up to Mount Sinai to get the Commandments and they were down there. Asking Aaron to make them a molten cow, and they were saying we don’t know where Moses went, you know, the whole irony of that is God saw the whole thing. He saw, we know that He saw it because he told those as. Hey, you need to get down there, they’re not acting, right? Your people, and God saw it, He sees everything, and David feared, God and understood that God sees everything. And today, the wickedness, the the uh, oh goodness. All of the wickedness we see in society. Today, the rebellion against God, the materialism, the homosexuality, the breaking up of the family, uh, the putting, their hope in their faith, in Idols, and false gods, and all of these things and, and all the pagan stuff, you see everywhere today, whether it be Harry Potter or yoga, I said it both. They’re both Pagan. Amen, that’s all people. Not fearing God. They don’t fear God, they’re saying, come on God, come and get me. I don’t fear you. David feared God and God is Not mocked and everyone will be judged. I believe. This, at the appointed time, David also understood God’s character. He walked in the ways of God for the most part again, he wasn’t perfect. He had a shortcomings and got allowed that to be published in the Bible for us to understand that. But David walked in the ways of God for the most part, the result was a great fruit in his life. The Psalms in our Bible, that’s a testament to the fruit of what David was doing the great Kingdom that he had, is a testament to the fruit of what he have, how he lived, the fact that he’s in the line of Jesus, the fact that Jesus mentions him his great fruit in what he was doing and that fruit and that blessing, it carried on to, who his son Solomon, his son Solomon. That’s the point of the little message. We have here today, David was so blessed, that Solomon was blessed. Amen. Proverbs 20:7. That just man walketh in his Integrity. David walked in his integrity and his children are blessed after him Solomon very blessed. Oh my goodness. Um, now I know there’s scripture talking about how David would have trouble after he had that affair with Bathsheba we understand, that but just looking at this relationship with Solomon you can’t say Solomon wasn’t blessed a 2 Chronicle1: 6-12 and Solomon went up to there to the Braves and altar before the Lord, which is at the Tabernacle of the congregation and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings, that’s a lot of offerings. Amen. And that’s someone that believes in God. Amen. Verse 7 in that night did God appear unto Solomon? A lot of times God will appear in those night seasons. As uh, the Bible says God appeared unto Solomon and said unto Him. Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said, unto God, Thou and showed great mercy under David. My father and has made me reign in his steed. Now, O Lord, let thy promised unto David, my father be established for that has made me King over a people like the dust of the Earth in multitude gave me now. Wisdom and knowledge that I may go out and come in before this people for who can judge this thy people that is so great, very important that thy people as in God’s people Solomon’s asking for wisdom to judge God’s people and God said to Solomon because this was in nine heart and now is not asked for rich as wealth honour nor the life of that enemies. Neither yet, has that thou neither yet has asked long life but has asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself without me as judge my people over whom I have made the king wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee and I will give the riches and wealth and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before the neither shall their any after the life. So that is God blessing. The result 1 Kings 4:29-34 and God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much and marches of heart even as the sand that is on the seashore and Solomon’s wisdom excelled, the wisdom of the children of the East country and all the wisdom of Egypt for, he was wiser than all the men, and it goes on here to speak that. He wrote 3000 Proverbs and songs, a thousand and five and he spoke of the trees and the Beasts and the creeping things and the fishes. And there was all of this wisdom that Solomon had that people from the kings from all the Earth sought him, the ones that had access to the most knowledge, all went and sought him. He’s the wisest man, as I understand it to ever live and God gave him that and God gave him that not just because he asked for it, but because he was, who he was, David’s son. And so that blessing can’t carried on through the generations. But lastly here I want you to think about this. So if we live in Integrity, we live close to God, our children will be blessed. And that is what we want. Amen. I know as a father, I want that more than anything, what’s the inverse of it? We live in sin generations, will be cursed. Do you ever think about that? That when we live in sin, our sin is consequences beyond ourselves. The Lord’s long suffering, and of great Mercy for giving iniquity and transgression. This is numbers. 14:18, and by no means clearing the guilty visiting the iniquity of the fathers, upon the children, unto the third, and fourth generation visiting the iniquity of the fathers. That’s the sin of the fathers, upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation. Whoa, Three and four generations down the line, could still be the Lord could be dealing with those generations for the sin of their great, great grandfather. What that means is. When we live in sin, there’s a problem. There is a a literally, like, a curse that can be carried on from generation generation. So, we have to ask ourselves what will it be? Will we have blessings that extend generations or ignite the wrath of God with our bad behaviour and our sin and you say brother Clark. I just want to be in the middle. I just want to not have a problem. Well guess what? You cannot be indifferent. There’s no lukewarmness allowed. The Lord can’t stand a lukewarm Church. Lukewarm Christian, you either are for Him or you’re against Him and see understand this. If you are not for Him, then you are against Him. And so, before Him and reap great benefits rather than being against Him and deal with again, curses of, of the Lord from generation generation. And people might say, oh, is that really true? Well, it’s in the Bible, it’s in my Bible, I believe it. I believe the whole Bible is true. Yes, I understand not everything is written directly to me in this church age, age of grace. But it’s all for me, it’s something that I can understand. I understand this that the character of God doesn’t change the same God, at the time of David. And Solomon is the same God today. Amen. He doesn’t change. The fact that sin was repulsive and and awful to him, then it’s still an Abomination, an awful to Him today. He doesn’t change, Amen. So, what do we need to do? We need to make sure that we’re not the one asking God to change, but that we are changing internally. Drawing ourselves closer to Him. Looking to Him, looking to the Proverbs looking to the Psalms, looking to the entire Bible to understand that He will lead us and guide us that He will help us that He will even bless our future Generations. If we will just humble ourselves and seek His face and follow His ways in Integrity in Integrity. Thank you for joining me. Take care, Amen.
