Deliverance from Temptation


Amen. Thank you for joining me. Good to be here today. What a wonderful day, it is the day that the Lord has made. You should be glad Amen. We should rejoice in this day. Thank God for all He’s done for us today. And as we think what has God done for us, well, He’s given us life and He’s blessed us. He’s loved us, He gave Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, that we may have life through that sinless spotless Perfect lamb dying on the cross for our sins and being miraculously resurrected from the grave Amen’s walk the earth, 40 days and 40 nights was seen by over. 500 to send it up to the right hand of the father where He is today. We thank the Lord for Christ, that’s our whole life. Amen, He’s given us life new life. We are new creatures in Christ. If we’ve accepted Him a Saviour and as we think about God in the light of what he’s done for us, let’s think about how He’s delivered us. You know, Deliverance is such a wonderful characteristic of God and it’s truly of God. The Bible is full of Passages on God, delivering His people and I believe the Lord takes great. Pride and delivering us. He’s a joyful and delivering His people. Uh, oftentimes, He is delivering the remnant, the small group, the underdog. if you will the little one, He’s delivering them that David versus the Goliath. The uh, Israelites verse Egypt. On and on, He’s delivering all those that believe on Him. The remnant, the small group of True Believers. He’s delivering them every day from all kinds of Affliction, and I’ve spoken about in previous episodes about sin and how He’s delivers us from sin. How God, delivers us from sin, how it can happen and does happen every single day about Affliction and how the Lord delivers us from all of our afflictions and how it can happen, it does happen, and He deserves the glory for it. I’ve even spoken about how God’s delivered us from Fear and how that’s that battle is won through faith and trust in Christ and being in His word and understanding the spirit, He gave us was not a spirit of fear but of power and love and sound mind. And today I want to talk a little bit about how God delivers us from Temptation. And so, we have our text verse here. Psalm 50:15. What a beautiful verse. Psalm 50:15 “and call upon me in the day of trouble. I will deliver thee and now she’ll glorify me.” I love the Simplicity and as far as call upon God in the day of trouble, if you’re in trouble and they in trouble, you’re going through hard times, call upon God and He’ll deliver you and you give Him glory. You glorify Him. That’s how it should be, Amen. Now, there’s a connection here with the righteous. I mentioned in a previous message, Psalm 34:19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous of the Lord delivereth Him out of them all. And so, I think some people want to take this, as good news, Christianity. Hey, God delivers everybody out everything, that’s not true. Number one, we have to be saved, truly believe on Christ, that Christ that I mentioned, many Christs are preached. Many people. Preach a Christ and never mentioned the blood, Amen. But you got to mention the blood. The Bible says, without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission of sin. So that Christ accepting Jesus Christ, as Lord, and Saviour, understanding that we’re sinners in need of a of a Saviour, Amen. The Bible term would be that substitutionary, death understanding that, we needed that, that we have to have a Christ’s free gift of Salvation upon us to be saved, understanding that accepting Christ and living for Him. I believe these are important factors in being delivered by God. And so, you know, when I mention in Psalm 50 call upon me or God in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee that being God and thou glorify me, this goes to the idea. That as we are living for God and we hit that day of trouble, He’ll Deliver Us and will give Him glory. And that’s how it should be. It’s a simple verse, but there’s so much to it and we should keep that in mind that as we live for God, and as we Face trouble, and as He delivers us, do we give him the glories too many times. We want to take the credit where we want to talk about the just what was going on in our lives or the oh, that was a scare or that that could have been bad. Instead of just saying, let’s stop for a minute and praise God. Let’s thank Him for His mercy on us and His love towards us and it’s great, Deliverance of us. Amen. And so today we’re talking about God’s Deliverance from Temptation. You know, what is Temptation to you? You know, I thought about that. And I believe there’s a lot of great biblical definitions for Temptation. The one that I I thought of in reference to just a very kind of natural explanation would be delivering us from the things that would enrich our flesh, our fleshly desires, those things that would build up our pride. Those things that, that would make us comfortable at ease. Those things that would, um, just be for us that have nothing to do with God. Those things that would be sinful. These are all the Temptations in life. No, not everything. Is bad in life and it’s not always bad to be comfortable or at ease. But oftentimes, when we’re tempted, we are tempted in a way that makes it look like there’s something better on the other side, right? And then we are tempted to do what to sin and where do I get this example from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve. Specifically, first was tempted by Satan, the serpent saying, look, if you eat of this fruit, you’ll have this knowledge of Good and Evil. It’s going to make you like God and he’s not going to kill you. Go ahead and do it right. Your life will be better. Amen. In Temptation. Always comes in that route. You know, you’re in a rough marriage. You say, well, if I’m with this person, that I just connect with so much, and if I just have this affair, my life will be better. Hey, news for you, it won’t, it’ll be like Adam and Eve, it’ll be awful. Amen. Sin enters the picture. The Bible tells us uh, that the wages of sin is death. Amen. And we don’t want to have death in our life. We don’t want to live a sinful life and temptation is begging us to sin and so it’s something that we think our flesh would enjoy some gratification that God doesn’t want us to do, but God allows Temptation to be in our life. Do you know, it’s not a sin to be tempted. Jesus Christ, Himself was tempted by the devil Himself. Amen. In the desert, He was tempted and there’s many messages preached on that. I know I’ve preached on that before on The Temptations of Jesus in the wilderness and so forth and how the devil tempted Jesus. And what did Jesus do, he kept going back to the word? He kept going back to it is written. It is written. It is written. Amen. And he was obedient unto the father and noticed that the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness when Jesus was tired. Remember, He was hungry, and He was weak. He was fasting and try to tempt Him in this time of weakness. And so, we see Temptation arise often in times of weakness. We see Temptations arrive into things that might appeal to our carnal. Senses, our carnality, if you will, and we realize that God’s word has tons of scripture on Temptation, and how we can be delivered from it, 2 Peter 2:9, “the Lord knoweth, how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished”. So, 2 Peter 2:9, I love uh Peter’s writings are so to the point they just cut right to it. And again, the Lord knoweth, how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations. Again, here comes with this idea of righteousness of Godliness being delivered that Temptations. Not everybody at all times as some a churches or denominations wanted to sound like. But my King James says the Lord North, had to deliver that Godly out of Temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judge judgement to be punished. And so here Peter is saying The Lord, He knows, and is willing to deliver those that are living from Him for Him from Temptation. So, if you are living a good Godly life. And temptation comes, knocking on your door, and it can be something very subtle. It can be disguised, you know, the devil is so subtle. The devil is described as being the most subtle ever in the Bible. Amen. And so, it could be something very subtle, you know, you’re tempted to. Uh, you know, just do this little thing, you know, maybe sign this document that’s not quite accurate, maybe. Uh, you know, pick up a second job when you should be hanging out with your kids, you know, maybe. Whatever it is, you know, go to the casino once a week because your friend wanted to go and you didn’t want to be a bad friend, you know, it’s a subtle thing that was just trying to kind of just tempt you a little bit, right? The Lord knows how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations. He knows how to. And so, Peter’s telling us that also telling us, that the unjust will be reserved unto the day to be judged and punished. And so, we don’t have to worry about, uh, retribution or Vengeance. That’s, that’s the Lord’s. Vengeance is mine. Say at the Lord. Amen. We give that to God, and we just live for Him, and we go ahead and depart from Temptation, right? Second Chronicles, 15:4 “but when they in their trouble to turn unto the Lord, God of Israel and saw Him, He was found of them”. God is here to deliver us from Temptation. Amen. I’m so thankful that He will do that and that He won’t give us more Temptation than we can handle. He always gives us a way out; he delivers us from it but that makes the question. How can we be delivered of Temptation? If we are living for the world or in the world, well, that would be very hard, wouldn’t it? Think about it. If you want to be delivered by God from Temptation, you have to draw an eye to him. Amen. And He’ll draw an eye to you. You need to be close to him. Well, how do you draw close to God? Well, you stay in His word, Amen You repent, you get right with Him. You cleanse your hands. You get that sin under the blood. Amen. You got that forgiveness of sin; you you’re living close to Him. You have the Holy Spirit and dwelling in you, you’re not grieving the Holy Spirit. You’re serving God, you’re saying separate away. From those things that, you know, are not good. I had a middle school, football coach that told us very frankly as young men to stay away from a certain type of place if we didn’t want to be around a certain type of woman and it was Maybe a little bit colorful for middle school, but we all got the point and the point was and I’ve had a preacher say this, a lot of times too. If alcohol is your problem, let’s say don’t go down the beer aisle, right? Don’t get on the beer, aisle, uh, you got a problem with gambling. Don’t take that road. Pass the casino. You got a problem with pornography stay off the internet or stay off the internet and private, whatever it is. Uh you got a problem with, um, Stealing then stay away from those places that you would steal from you get the idea. Let’s do something about this temptation because the Lord is going to give us the facilities or the capabilities to avoid it if we so choose. But what so many people do is they think that they’ll be able to handle it. So they go ahead and and say, okay, I’m fine. I can do this. Let’s say a sober person has friends. They’re going to the bar and they say, I’m not going to drink, but I’ll go with them. Right? I’ll go with my buddies. Well, number one, I have a question. If they’re really your buddies. If they know that you struggle with alcohol and they want you to go to a bar. And then number two, It’s putting pride on yourself to say that you can with withstand something that is obviously a struggle for you. So watch out and don’t go to begin with because God may be saying I’m going to deliver you out of the Temptation by having, you stay in my word and study my word while they’re at the bar and so they can get a cheap thrill and feel hungover in the morning, and you can get peace knowledge into wisdom and feel great in the morning. Amen. How about that? That’s the double blessing of God. I’ve got a message coming up soon called double blessings. I took a picture of two rainbows above my house, and I’ve made a little cover. For our recordings says, double blessing. And I still don’t know exactly what the message is, but I know a double blessing when I see it, and that’s a double blessing. When you skip going to the bar and you read the Bible and you’re sober that night and you wake up and you feel great and you have peace because you’ve been in God’s word, how good is God? You see, we avoid the temptation when we’re proactive. He delivers us from the Temptation when we’re close to Him and what’s the opposite of that? What is the inverse? Well, the inverse would be that You’re not delivered from Temptation. When we constantly surround ourselves with Temptation, you know, we read in the word that we are to be separate that we are not to be unequally yoked. In relationships with unbelievers that we are not to be part of the world that we are not to touch the unclean thing. No, again, we can’t leave the world. As Paul says, we cannot leave the world because we’d have to leave the world to depart from sin. So, we can’t depart from sin completely. But what we can do, is be smart about who we surround ourselves with about what we watch on TV, or on the internet about what apps we download about. What? Websites? We go to are social media uh areas, we hang out, especially for those teenagers, stay off. A lot of those social media apps are full of Temptation. In a world. Full Temptation. We need to recognize that. That’s where we live. We live in a world full Temptation. That’s our first step. Then we need to pray to God that He’ll deliver us from that Temptation and keep us from those things that tempt us, Amen, to help us to recognize those things and to spend more times with time with Him, and to give Him glory, as He delivers us, from Temptation to publicly, praise Him for all that. He’s done for us. If that was what we do with our life, we’ll be so happy and joyful in Jesus. Thank you so much for listening, take care, God bless and Amen. 
